Chapter 8

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Josie gasped. "What?!"

Her knees buckled beneath her, and she grabbed Lucas's arm for support, wishing she'd been sitting down instead.

"What do you mean, you're leaving?" Henrik asked, his brows knit together.

"I got some news from home," Lucas replied, the words firm and steady — as if he'd been practising repeating them. "And unfortunately, I'm going to have to cut my time here short."

Josie could only lower herself to the nearest bench, her head in her hands as she sat there, completely stunned. The knot that had been in her stomach all day tightened and snapped, making her feel like she'd been punched. He was leaving already? They'd barely even gotten to know each other, and it was all being ripped away from her?

The other Islanders got up and gathered around Lucas, giving him their condolences and best wishes, but she couldn't even move as tears streamed down her face. She was barely aware of people trying to comfort her, until a hand appeared before her, palm facing upwards. Her eyes travelled up along its owner's arm until they locked with the sad brown pair looking down at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Josie," Lucas said as she placed her hand in his, letting him help her to her feet. "I wish I could've told you earlier."

"Where've you been?" she whispered, not trusting her voice not to shake if she spoke louder.

"On the phone. Making arrangements." He paused. "Packing. I'm all ready to go."

"But you... we..."

"I know. I'm sorry." He gathered her into his arms and she collapsed against him, grateful that his shirt was black so it wouldn't show the stains her mascara was surely leaving on it. "I wish things could be different."

He held her for what seemed like hours until his phone beeped and he broke away.

"I need to go now."

"No, I—I'm not ready!"

"I have a flight to catch."

Josie wiped her tear-stained face as she stepped back, trying to regain her composure. Lucas took her hand, and together they walked through the villa to the front door, where the others were waiting for his final goodbye. As she stood there, watching him give out another round of hugs to all the others, she wondered... Was she supposed to go with him? Did he want her to leave alongside him and try to make it work on the outside? They'd known each other a grand total of four days... How could she leave to follow someone she barely knew, when there were still potentially three weeks left in the villa?

And if she did, wouldn't she be limiting her chance at sponsorships on the outside?

At any rate, the fact he'd announced his departure at the very last minute before he had to leave meant there was no point in making a decision tonight. There wasn't time to pack, and she'd be waiting until the morning for a flight home anyway.

Better to sleep on it and think about whether it was what she really wanted to do.

When it was his turn to say goodbye, Henrik practically jumped into Lucas's arms, his eyes glistening with tears. Her heart twisted in sympathy for him — she wasn't the only one hurting. The two guys had been nearly inseparable since coming in together, and she'd loved being able to share in their friendship by spending time with them both. That, too, was coming to an end.

There were whispered words between the two men that she couldn't make out, and then they separated, and Lucas turned to her. She gave him a weak smile, fighting off more tears as he took her hands in his.

His eyes searched hers, as if looking for the answer to a question that hadn't yet been asked, and her breath caught in her throat. Would he ask her to follow him? If he did, how could she say no? How could she say yes?

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