Chapter 28

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Josie wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel at the sight of Lucas striding confidently down the drive — a bombshell in every meaning of the word. She could only stare at the screen with her hands covering her gaping mouth, sensing the eyes turning to look at her and not being able to react.

Fuck, he looked good, reminding her why she'd been so taken with him the first time around. Still the same chiselled features, the same confident smile, the same gorgeous body dressed in perfectly fitted, fashion-forward clothing.

But things were different now... or were they?

She turned to look at Henrik, hoping to find him returning her gaze, but his eyes were fixed on the screen, full of emotions that had to be as mixed as hers. Joy at seeing the man he'd become fast friends with in their early days in the villa, anguish at the revelation of what had happened — almost happened — between her and Magnus in the pantry.

While she was an emotional wreck — pissed off at the producers for stirring shit up just when she and Henrik had gotten back on track and were at their happiest, angry at herself for putting herself in such a position, heartbroken at the way Henrik wouldn't even look at her... but most of all, afraid. Afraid he wouldn't listen to her. Afraid he wouldn't talk to her. Afraid she'd taken a chance at opening her heart, only to have it all be for nothing.


She took a step towards him, needing to talk to him, to clear things up, to make him listen — only for a shout to come from the villa and a cheer to go up from the other Islanders. Henrik's eyes lit up as they locked onto the new arrivals who had just stepped out, and he took off running.

It felt like slow motion as Josie watched the distance close between the two men and Henrik jump into Lucas's waiting arms, the two of them embracing like long-lost friends. Her heart ache in her chest at the sight.

Her body moved of its own accord as she aimlessly followed the other Islanders to greet the new arrivals. She hung back on the outskirts of the group as the girls approached Hannah and the guys circled around Lucas and Henrik, who moved apart to speak, only to embrace again. When Hannah appeared before her, she mindlessly gave the girl a weak hug, her eyes still following Henrik as he moved back to make room for the others to approach Lucas.

And then Lucas's face smiled down at her, and she felt a wave of relief. He gave her a double cheek kiss before wrapping his arms around her, and she sank into him, the pulse of her heartbeat quickening its pace as she breathed in his familiar scent. Oh, what could have been — if he'd never left, perhaps she would've been spared all the hurt she'd experienced since.

But now he was back, and Henrik was upset... What if Lucas still wanted her? Did she still want him? Had he come to throw a wrench into things, or could he be a lifeline?

"Come to collect on what I owe you?" she whispered teasingly in his ear, feeling his chest vibrate against her as he chuckled, reigniting the spark within her that had extinguished the night he left.

He pulled back, his hand lingering on her cheek as he looked down at her with a smirk, his eyes dark. "If the offer's still open."

Josie swallowed and stepped out of his arms, and his hand fell away. Tension crackled between them, almost palpable in the air as she held his gaze, confusion gripping her. He hadn't forgotten, then. He still wanted her. Had he been watching the show? What had he thought when he saw her move on to Henrik so quickly, and then carry on her flirtation with Magnus?

"You look..." His eyes flickered as they soaked in her appearance, taking note of the makeup that was no doubt smudged all over her face and the puffiness around her eyes from crying.

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