Chapter 11

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A/N: Challenge is based on this:

Helvete = Hell

Älskling = Term of endearment, usually darling or honey



Josie froze in place on her way to the pool loungers at the high-pitched squeal behind her that could only belong to one person. She reluctantly turned around to find the new Islander hurrying her way.

"Chelsea," she said, forcing a smile onto her face. "Good morning."

"Are you going to do some sunbathing? Can I join you?"

She groaned inwardly, her lips still upturned. She no longer saw the girl as competition for Henrik's feelings — especially after what happened in the kitchen while everyone else was asleep — but they hadn't spoken since Chelsea dropped the bomb about the Rocco meme, and making up with her wasn't high on her list of priorities.

But she hardly had much choice now. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Yay!" Chelsea's face brightened. "I'm so happy you agreed! I am so sorry about last night, I totes didn't mean to upset you!"

Josie resumed her walk towards the loungers, using her long legs to cover the distance so quickly that Chelsea had to jog to keep up with her.

"I was just so excited to be here, and someone asked, and I just didn't even think about how you'd feel about it! Of course you'd still be upset that Lucas is gone! You were so broken up about it!"

Josie sat down, sliding her phone beneath the chair and grabbing the bottle of sun cream that was sitting there. She looked ruefully towards the pool, where Henrik, Bobby, and Gary were tossing an inflated ball around. Henrik seemed to sense her eyes on him and glanced towards her, giving her a wink and a grin. She smiled back.

They'd spoken briefly in bed before the lights turned on. Stopping the night before was hard for him — she couldn't resist joking about just how hard it was — but he didn't want her to feel obligated to go further when she wasn't sure of her feelings.

She hadn't pressed him for more, but she wondered if he'd been thinking about Lucas. Knowing she'd done bits with him must've been hard for Henrik. If Lucas were still there, there was no doubt she'd be with him instead, so she could understand why Henrik would want to pump the brakes on a physical relationship, assuming her feelings were still with another man.

But Lucas hadn't been the one she was thinking about last night. What she felt for him probably never went beyond lust and infatuation. And maybe the same would be true of Henrik, but he was the one in her bed, not Lucas. And that was fine.

So no, Chelsea was wrong when she assumed Josie was still upset that Lucas was gone.

"But you're with Henrik now!" Chelsea continued. It was amazing how the girl could keep up a conversation all by herself. "You're so cute together! And a little birdie told me you kissed last night!"

Ah. At least if Chelsea hadn't been there to see it herself, she'd still heard about it. That shouldn't be surprising — news always seemed to travel fast in the villa.

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

Josie finally looked over at the other girl and raised an eyebrow. "You are? I thought you were interested in him."

Chelsea waved her hand dismissively. "There are plenty of birds in the sea!"

"You mean fish."

"I don't really like fish, to be honest!"

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