Chapter 33

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Josie laid on her side, watching Henrik's chest rise and fall. She'd worked him hard the night before, until they both fell in an exhausted heap. Now her body was deliciously sore, but while he was peacefully sleeping, she couldn't bear to close her eyes.

The second time had been slower than the first, more intimate. The third time, she'd begged him to return the favour and tie her wrists together before he fucked her from behind. That one might actually have been her favourite — she'd always preferred doggy, and her hips could still feel his fingers digging into them as he let himself loose. That was definitely something she wanted to repeat sometime.

She hadn't wanted to go to sleep. She wanted to stay up all night getting to know every inch of Henrik's body. Learning all his sensitive spots, what he liked best. Things she'd never taken the time to learn with any previous partner — partly because they weren't around long enough. Mostly because she'd never cared as much as she did for him.

She wasn't sure what it was about him that drew her to him, or him to her. They were so different, and he wasn't even really her type — though he'd grown on her like the moss he was often going on about. Now, in the soft light of the morning, she studied him, taking in each of his individual features. The straight nose, the freckles that splashed across it and over his cheeks, the soft pink lips. Each one on their own was unremarkable yet beautiful, but together they culminated in a face she could only describe as perfect.

He was so calm and cute in his slumber — a soft smile on his lips, like he was happy even when he was sleeping. There was no denying how lucky she was to have found him, how different he was from what she would have expected for herself, but how right it felt to be with him. He was the purest, sweetest guy she'd ever met and he deserved so much better than her, but she was selfish. She wanted him for herself.

The feelings he stirred up inside her... they were different from anything she'd ever felt before.

Josie moved closer, snuggling into his side and laying her hand on his chest, letting her fingers play along the ridges of his ribs and abs. Slowly moving downwards, brushing over his happy trail and following where it led.

Henrik's abs shook lightly, his breathing catching — the first indications that he was waking up as his sensitive, ticklish body responded to her touch. She wanted to keep going, to wrap her hand around him and continue where they'd left off the night before, but something stopped her. It was no longer just physical between them. Her hand moved back upwards, her palm flat as it explored every ridge until she reached his shoulder and travelled down his arm, causing goosebumps to form and fine hairs to stand up on end. Finally, she reached his hand and linked it together with hers, their fingers intertwined.

"Morning," she said, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"Morning," he rasped in response, turning his head to give her a wide, lopsided smile that, along with the sound of his voice, had her body humming in anticipation.

Unable to help herself, she rolled on top of him, rocking her hips against him and revelling in the way his breath hitched and his hands went straight to her hips. She wanted everything about him — his smiles, his kisses, his deep belly laughs and pleasant giggles. Most of all, she wanted the pleasure his body could give her, and that she could give him in return.

"I want you," she whispered into his ear, and his grip tightened as he nodded.

Josie lowered herself onto him and set a slow, even pace, her eyes locked on his. She'd never felt closer to another person than she did with him there in that room, their bodies bare and hearts open. It was scary — downright frightening to open herself up to another person, to be vulnerable the way he prompted her to be, but she wanted to be brave and see things through.

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