Chapter 22

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Josie missed Henrik. After seeing him swimming and spending much of the rest of the night thinking about him, that much was clear. And if she was being honest with herself, she was tired of being mad at him, of changing directions every time she saw him coming her way, of pretending he didn't exist.

Because he did exist, and he was there, and ignoring him was only hurting them both.

She'd never been in a situation like this before, but people could be friends with their exes, right? That was a thing? Maybe that would work for them. Even if she wasn't willing to open her heart up to him again, she could at least still be around him.

And besides, it would make her look good for the cameras. She didn't want to be the unforgiving bitch, especially when she wasn't exactly innocent herself. As much as she hated to admit it, she'd played a part in his betrayal, and refusing to acknowledge it wasn't a good look. If she was right about the public voting for Henrik and Shannon out of spite for her, then she needed to win them back somehow.

She was still deep in her thoughts when she bumped into the object of them on her way outside.

"Oh! Sorry," she mumbled, lowering her eyes as the sight of his bare chest caused memories of the night before to flood into her mind. Her hand lifted instinctively, as if to trace the lines of his abs, and she quickly pulled it back.

Somewhere along the line, Henrik had put his joggers back on, but even those did almost nothing to hide what she knew was in them. Her eyes lingered on the distinct bulge before she snapped them back up, only to catch his green ones staring mournfully back at her.

God, was there nowhere safe to look?

"Good morning, Josie," he said softly, and she stood rooted in place, frozen by indecision. She fought the instinct to run away, but her mouth couldn't form the words she needed to say. It was too early for serious chats, especially when he was looking like that.

His eyes looked haggard, as if he, too, had spent more than one night tossing and turning. How many nights had he ended up in the pool, swimming laps to drive away the thoughts and memories of her?

Josie was saved from having to come up with something to say when he spoke again.

"Can I make you breakfast?"

"N—uhhh..." She swallowed back the rejection that immediately jumped to her lips. If she was going to extend him an olive branch, this was probably the time to do it.

Before she could get the words out, though, Priya came bursting into the bedroom.

"I've got a text!" she cried out, and Josie perked up. Judging by the look on her friend's face, this was good news for once.

Arjun appeared in the doorway behind her as the other islanders stopped their conversations to listen.

Girls, today you will enjoy sun, swimming, and sangria on your very own day out! Please get ready to leave the villa. #ladieswhobrunch #noboysallowed

Josie let out a sigh of relief. Not only would she be able to get some space from Henrik, but she was spared having to respond to his offer to make breakfast. And maybe she could use the time away to clear her head and get some advice.

"Too bad Blake and Shannon have to come," she muttered, and behind her, Henrik sighed.

"She's not so bad," he said.

"Easy for you to say."

She didn't give him a chance to respond as she crossed the room to where Priya still stood, glowing with excitement. They squealed together before heading to the dressing room, closely followed by the other girls.

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