Chapter 27

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A/N: My apologies if you read this chapter before Chapter 26, which I've just posted. I had scheduled the chapters for publishing and ended up deciding later to add an extra chapter in but forgot to change the publishing schedule. Oops! 

"Don't move," Josie said as she honed in on a short but prominent hair between Bobby's eyebrows with her tweezers.

"Please," he scoffed, his eyes crossing as they followed the movement of the tool. "I've done this so many times."

And yet, he squirmed before the tweezers could squeeze around the hair, forcing her to hold his head down on the pillows to keep him still.

"Aha!" she cried triumphantly. "Got it! No thanks to you."

"I can't help that I'm squirmy," Bobby said as he sat up. "Besides, tweezers scare the shite outta me. They're like little pincers."

Josie rolled her eyes. "I thought you said you've done this before."

"Yeah, with a thread! My sister does it for me."

"Should've asked me instead." Priya dropped onto the empty space at the bottom of the daybed they were lounging on. "I'm a threading pro."

"Great, can you do me tonight?"

She lifted a perfectly trimmed and plucked eyebrow at him. "I won't be doing you any night. I've got higher standards, babe."

"Ha! As if Arjun's better than me. I'm a right catch, I am."

"A right catch with Groucho Marx eyebrows," Josie commented dryly. "Speaking of which, how's things with Shannon? You talked to her last night, right?"

It was funny how mad she'd been when Bobby chose to couple up with Shannon instead of her only a couple nights ago, but now she was thanking her lucky stars he had. If he hadn't, she wouldn't be coupled up with Henrik. She may not even have made up with him when she did... but she was very grateful she had.

"Things are... friendly," Bobby said, bringing her thoughts back to the present.

Dropping her tweezers back into her makeup bag, she reclined against the pillows.

"Friendly as in...?"

"As in friendly. Friends. Friend-zoned again."

"Shocker." Priya smirked. "Shannon's got standards, too."

"Hey!" Bobby tossed a cushion at her, which she easily dodged. "That's enough outta you!"

The older woman laughed as she hefted it back and Bobby threw his hands up in front of his face to protect himself.

"Maybe we'll get new people," Josie suggested. "There's still time, right?"

"I reckon there is," Bobby replied, holding the pillow up behind him, preparing to throw.

"Uh oh. Should Henrik be worried?" Priya giggled and grabbed another cushion, holding it up as a shield as her eyes sparkled.

Josie snorted. "My head's not turning now, hun."

"I should hope not." Priya eyed Bobby warily before jerking her chin in Josie's direction. "He give that to you?"

"What?" Josie looked down but didn't see what the other woman was referring to.

"That—" she pointed, "—ow!"

Bobby took advantage of Priya's distraction and whipped the pillow at her, giggling as she screamed and scrambled to protect herself and fight back.

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