Chapter 32

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The challenge was taking place on the villa lawn rather than the challenge stage, and each couple was given a heart-shaped boards and dry-erase markers. Josie doodled in the corner of the board as they listened to the instructions.

The hosts, Noah and Hannah, would read out a category, and everyone would have to write down which couple they thought best suited the description. Then the couples would reveal and explain their answers.

"Is there a prize?" Chelsea asked.

"There is not," Hannah replied. "We're not scoring points."

"Hmph. I wanted a prize."

"We'd have to win first, munchkin," Gary reminded her.

"We totes could! Cutest couple, right here!"

He chuckled, gazing down at her lovingly. "You're right about being the cutest."

Bobby grabbed his throat and made vomiting noises as Chelsea aww'd.

"Can we get started already?" he asked. "I wanna know what you all think about me."

"Pretty sure you already know that," Lucas dryly stated.

Josie was a little disappointed that there was no prize — if there was another opportunity to win a night in the Hideaway, she desperately wanted it. But, then again, she'd hate to lose and see another couple get to go.

Noah cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, then turned to Hannah. "Would you like to start us off?"

She practically had hearts in her eyes as she smiled up at him. "Of course, sweetheart!" Taking the card he offered, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and read, "First question is, which couple is the laziest?"

Josie chuckled and leaned closer to Henrik so they could quietly discuss their answer. "I'm pretty lazy," she said, "but Chelsea would do nothing but lie in the sun all day if she could."

Henrik nodded thoughtfully. "Gary spends time in the gym, but if he's not there, he's usually on the beanbags."

"He's definitely the type to sit on the couch all day with a beer watching the footie."

"What about Priya and Arjun, though? They practically live on the daybeds."

"True." Josie tapped the marker against her lips. "Chelsea and Priya are equally lazy, but I would say Gary is more lazy than Arjun. When it's time to cook or clean, he's nowhere to be seen."

Henrik chuckled and nudged her in the ribs. "Sounds like someone else I know."

"Hey!" She playfully smacked him right back. "Was I not cooking just this morning? And you can't accuse me of shirking my cleaning duties."

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, then gave her a lopsided grin. "Who said I was talking about you? Maybe I was talking about... um..."

"See?" She shook her head and held up their board, seeing that the other couples were writing their answers. "So, we going with Chels and Gaz?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Josie wrote their names in block letters, then waited for their turn to reveal their answer.

One by one, the couples flipped their boards around. They were pretty much split down the middle between the same two couples Josie and Henrik had discussed.

"We voted for Priya and Arjun," Gary said, holding up his board with a grin, "because they only get out of bed when there's a beetle in there."

"Hey! That's not true!" Arjun protested.

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