Chapter 21

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"So, what's the goss?" Chelsea dropped onto one of the roof terrace benches and looked around at the other girls with eyes that were far too bright for first thing in the morning. "Anything exciting happen last night?"

Josie pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. It was another girls' morning debrief on the terrace — original girls only. The Casa Amor girls hadn't integrated themselves into the group yet, which was quite alright with her. These forced chats were often painful enough as it was, especially now that she was single and the target of their pity. Maybe she could steal one of their men and turn the tables.

Marisol set her steaming mug of coffee on the ledge. "You mean, did anyone do bits?"

The blonde giggled, a hint of pink spreading across her cheeks. "Yeah!"

Hope shook her head. "Not me. Carl and I decided to take things slow. Lord knows I need to after what how things went with Noah."

The girls nodded seriously, all but Chelsea, who looked like she was about to burst at the seams.

Priya grinned and extended her leg to nudge her with her toe. "What about you, Chels? You're eager. Did Fred Flintstone rock your bed last night?"

"No, but Gary did!"

"No kidding." Lottie pulled a face. "I was right next to you guys; I could hear you."

Chelsea only giggled unapologetically.

"Big bits or little bits?" Marisol asked.

"I bet his bits are little," Lottie deadpanned.

"Oh, come off it," Priya replied, rolling her eyes. "I thought we were past that."

Lottie smirked. "C'mon, you can't begrudge me a few digs here and there? It's just a joke. If the opportunity is there, it's there."


The attention turned back to Chelsea, who excitedly shared about her night. It was hard to believe it was only their third night together, considering they'd been coupled up for a week. Josie joined in with the others in congratulating her — even if Chelsea was too bubbly for her, Gary was her friend, and it was nice to see them happy together.

There was a knock on the terrace door, and then her heart lurched in its already familiar way when a blonde head popped through and Henrik's eyes searched around the benches, lighting up when they met hers.

"Josie," he said, "I made you tea."

She stared at the lidded travel mug he held out to her, not reaching out to take it. It was tempting, but she'd already told him things were over. Why was he trying to butter her up, especially when she wanted nothing more than to move on?

"What's this, Henrik?" she asked, the steely note to her voice making his smile falter.

"I'm so—"

"Stop telling me you're sorry," she snapped, and he recoiled, frowning. "I don't want it."

"I'll take it!" Lottie offered, holding out her hand.

Henrik looked back and forth between Josie and Lottie with sad eyes before finally passing the cup to the Australian, who accepted it with glee. Josie forced herself to look out towards the hills, and Henrik took the hint and left, closing the door behind him.

Lottie took a sip and smacked her lips. "Mm. You're missing out, Josie. Apology tea is the best."

"I've had enough of his apologies. They don't change anything."

Marisol tilted her head to study her, and Josie inwardly groaned, knowing she was in for a round of psychobabble. The girl was a law student, for heaven's sakes, not a psychologist!

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