Chapter 12

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"I still can't believe we got to see DJ Big T last night! And beer pong was so much fun!"

Josie groaned at the sound of Chelsea's voice — was this how she was doomed to wake up every morning? She didn't understand how the girl could wake up with so much energy, especially after an extra-late night with extra booze.

Squeezing her eyes to shut out the brightness of the overhead lights, she burrowed further into Henrik's side. She'd probably had her best night of sleep in the villa yet. After leaving the shower and going to bed, they'd cuddled and chatted, but it hadn't been long before drowsiness overtook her and she fell asleep in his arms — and judging by where she'd woken up, neither of them had moved much.

"Good morning," Henrik said sleepily.

"Mm. Morning." She smiled against his chest. "I hope I didn't drool on you."

He chuckled, his body shaking softly. "I don't think I'd mind that too much."

"You say that now," she said, "but when you wake up in a puddle..."

"You're not that bad. I've had dogs that slobbered a lot. Not that I'm comparing you to a dog! But, like..."

Josie laughed and lifted herself onto her elbows to quiet him with a kiss. "It's okay, I know I can be a bitch."

"What?" His eyes widened. "No, that's not—"

"I'm kidding, babe." She grinned and sat up, leaning against the headboard. He followed suit, winding his arm around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"Aww!" Chelsea beamed at them. "You two are so cute together!"

"Where did you guys disappear to last night, anyway?" Marisol asked as she wiped her glasses.

"Oh, we were just—"

"Talking!" Josie interrupted Henrik, putting her hand over his mouth and smiling sweetly. "We went to the roof terrace to chat."

"Oh?" Priya gave them a shit-eating grin. "And what were you talking about?"

She narrowed her eyes, wondering if Priya was the one who'd visited the loo while they were in the shower. If she was, there was no doubt that as soon as she could get Josie in private, she'd be asking for all the dirty details.

"Oh, you know," she replied coyly, "just the usual. Where our heads are at."

At least, there was some head given...

"Uh huh."

"Firmly attached to your shoulders still, I see," Bobby cut in, tapping his finger on the side of his nose.

"The best place for them," Josie replied with a wink.

"Well, your chat seems to have gone well," Hope said with a smile, drawing her knees up to her chest. "It's nice to see another couple being solidified."

Priya made a strangled noise in her throat, then covered it up by coughing. Josie raised an eyebrow at her, remembering that she and Henrik weren't the only ones who'd disappeared the night before. She didn't recall hearing voices in the living room when they'd returned downstairs, though, so Priya and Noah must have returned to the group outside at some point. It seemed both women had something to tell the other about, though.

"Well," Bobby said, slapping his hands on his knees. "I'm gonna start the morning coffee rounds. Any special requests, or just the usual for everyone?"

There was a chorus of responses, and that seemed to be the signal for the others to get up too. Henrik moved to follow suit, but Josie stopped him.

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