Chapter 9

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It was late by the time the girls were directed to stand in a row in front of the fire pit while the boys sat on the bench, waiting for the recoupling to commence. All the conversations had been had, and it was time for decisions to be made.

Josie had spoken with Gary earlier in the evening, indicating her desire for him to pick her. He was relieved at the revelation, having been unsure of where things stood between them and not wanting to rock the boat if he were to pick her against her will. And with Lottie out of the picture, Marisol invested in Rocco, and Priya trying to turn Noah's head, he'd been a little lost as to what to do.

They probably weren't going to be a blazing romantic couple, but at least it could be mutually beneficial.

Rocco was the first to stand up, and after an unnecessarily long and somewhat incomprehensible speech, he picked Marisol, and she practically ran into his arms.

Noah was next, and a tense silence settled over the group as he stood up. Josie squeezed Priya's hand, earning her a quick smile before they both faced forward again. Noah was nervously shifting his weight between his feet, his usual stoic expression abandoned as his eyes darted between the two women who waited with bated breath, each hoping to hear their name spoken by him.

"This isn't an easy decision," he said, "and I wish I didn't have to make it. I... I don't really know what to say, so I'm going to keep this short."

"Thank God," Bobby muttered under his breath.

"The girl—no, the woman I'd like to couple up with is... Hope."

Josie could see Priya's shoulders drop out of the corner of her eye, and she turned to give her a hug as Hope let out a relieved gasp and strode triumphantly over to Noah.

"I'm so sorry," Josie whispered.

Priya was trembling in her arms, no doubt struggling to keep her emotions in check.

"Thanks," she said when they separated, dabbing at the corner of her eye. "It's... it's fine. Disappointing, but not unexpected."

Henrik stood up next with his familiar beaming smile — still wearing the flowers in his hair — and Josie looked over at Priya and Lottie, wondering who he would pick. They were the two he'd said he fancied when he first came in, but that seemed so long ago already. Priya wasn't very outdoorsy, and Lottie was perhaps a little too... sharp for someone like him.

"I was hoping I'd get a chance to pick this girl," Henrik began, "because even though she's had her eyes elsewhere, ever since I came in she's been friendly and welcoming, making me feel at home with all of you. And while I don't know how she feels, I know I'd like the chance to continue getting to know her and seeing if there could be anything between us. The girl I'd like to couple up with is Josie!"

Josie's lips parted in surprise. Had he really just said her name?

"What?" Gary's brows furrowed as he looked between the two of them. "I thought..."

She tried to convey to him that she was just as bewildered as he was as she walked over to Henrik, who seemed to catch on to the fact that he'd caught them by surprise. Lifting herself onto her toes, she gave him a peck on the cheek, then took a seat beside him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, leaning close to her. "Did I do something wrong?"

"It's okay," she replied, giving him a reassuring smile. "We'll talk after."

Not that she was upset or anything, just completely caught off guard. This was the second... no, third time she'd expected to be coupled up with Gary, only for one of them to be stolen. First the initial coupling when Gary chose her and Bobby stole her, then Lottie picking him in the girls' choice recoupling, and now Henrik picking her before Gary had a chance. The third time apparently was not the charm in this case.

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