Chapter 23

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"Ouch!" Josie pulled her hand back from the hot frying pan with a hiss. "Fucking hell."

This was only one of the reasons she didn't spend much time cooking for herself. She didn't consider herself a klutz, but in the kitchen? It was like the pots and pans would wait until she wasn't paying attention and then move right into her path.

She threw a glare in the direction of the lawn, where Bobby was lounging out on a beanbag, chatting animatedly with not one, but both of the new girls. They seemed to be having a great time, laughing louder than necessary at all of his jokes.


It wasn't her fault she'd slept in after a long night of her thoughts keeping her up. Thinking of the kiss and the look on Henrik's face and what to do next. Wondering when the inevitable recoupling or dumping would come.

By the time she got up and stumbled bleary-eyed into the kitchen, everyone else was cleaning up and all that was left of the fry up Bobby had made was a measly strip of bacon, which Gary snagged and shoved into his mouth before she could even make her presence known. She could've settled for cold cereal or a pastry like she usually did, but god, the lingering aromas had already gotten to her, and nothing else would do but bacon, bangers, and eggs.

Grabbing a spatula of dubious cleanliness from next to the stovetop, she managed to flip over her bacon without further harm, just barely.

The sound of a throat clearing behind her made her jump, and she spun around with the spatula in front of her like a weapon.

Henrik gave her a sheepish smile that sent a wave of guilt crashing over her as she recalled the expression on his face that had kept her up half the night.

"Do you need help?" he asked, his kindness making her feel even more guilty. He shouldn't be so nice to her when all she'd done since he returned from Casa Amor was brush him aside and ignore him.

Before she could even respond, he was taking the spatula from her and turning the heat up on the stove, and she sighed. As much as she wanted to get mad at him for taking over, he knew her well enough to know how useless she always felt in the kitchen. And he had offered to make her breakfast the day earlier, before the girls had been whisked away to the spa.

So, she bit her tongue except to mumble a quick 'thanks' and grabbed the kettle, figuring she could at least make her own tea.

Henrik was silent as he whipped up a couple of eggs. Whether he sensed her own reluctance to speak or just wasn't ready himself to bring up her kiss with Bobby, she wasn't sure — but she was grateful for it. She knew they should talk; she wanted to get over this awkwardness she felt around him — wanted to be friends, if that were at all possible. But saying the words wasn't easy.

It wasn't long before he was setting a plate in front of her. Everything was perfectly cooked, and her stomach growled loudly at the sight.

"Thank you," she said, giving him the smallest of smiles. "I probably would've burnt everything."

Her words of appreciation lit up his face, which in turn tugged at her heartstrings. Before she could dwell on those feelings, she tore her gaze away and dug into her breakfast.

Instead of leaving the kitchen, Henrik turned his attention towards cleaning up the pile of dishes that the other Islanders had left behind. It was almost as if he just wanted to stay in her presence a little longer, even if they weren't talking. It might've been the longest they'd spent alone together since before Casa — the first time she hadn't turned him away or stormed off herself.

He was whistling softly as he worked, and Josie couldn't help but smile. If only they hadn't fucked things up, maybe this could have been a picture of their future together. Except if he did the cooking, then she would do the—

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