Chapter 26

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A/N: I messed up the order of chapters 26 & 27. Originally I was going to skip a day, but I changed my mind and ended up going back and writing this chapter - but because I had the chapters scheduled to post on Wattpad, I forgot to go back and amend the publishing schedule. So, here's just a fun little chapter to go in between (note, I've also removed mention of the heartrate challenge because I'm skipping over it entirely - it doesn't add anything to the story).

"So, Josie," Priya grinned at her over the rim of her coffee mug, "where did you disappear to last night?"

Josie groaned inwardly as seven additional pairs of eyes turned in her direction, and she shot her friend an annoyed glare as she drew her legs up into a cross-legged position on the bench. The girls were still in their pyjamas, having another one of their morning debriefs. She'd been hoping to get in an early workout before it got too hot when she'd been dragged out to the roof terrace instead.

"I think you know," she replied casually, studying her fingernails.

"Oh, do share." Elisa leaned forward, her eyes flashing with interest.

"I dunno." Priya smirked. "You could've gone anywhere — the shower, the living room, a supply cupboard... right here on this terrace."

Chelsea brightened with excitement, her head turning back and forth between Josie and Priya.

"Ooh, what's the goss? Something with Henrik? Did you kiiisss?"

Before she could answer, the door opened, and her heart fluttered as Henrik stepped out. His hair was pulled back into a low bun and there was still sleep in his eyes, but his smile was bright as he found her and held out a steaming mug of tea.

"For you," he said, a hint of pink dotting his cheeks as the girls' attention centred on him, each of them oohing and aahing.

Josie gingerly accepted the tea, remembering with shame the last time he'd tried to bring her tea during a girls' chat. "Thanks," she replied, smiling back at him.

His eyes brightened, and he moved towards the door before hesitating, then turning back to her and leaning down to brush his lips against her cheek. The soft touch brought a flush to her face, and she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her mouth.

"I, um. I'm making breakfast," he said quietly, still leaning over her. "What do you want?"

"Oh, um—" Her mind went completely blank, too flustered by the effect his nearness and sweetness were having on her. Was this just because they were back together or was this attentiveness something she could look forward to the rest of their time together? "I don't mind. Whatever you want."

Henrik flashed a smile and moved in to kiss her again, this time on the lips. Josie's breath caught, and she jerked in surprise, being careful not to spill hot tea all over herself.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "See you downstairs."

He smiled again happily before waving apologetically at the other girls for the interruption and disappearing through the door.

"That was well cute," Jo commented, breaking the floodgate for a wealth of other similar comments from the girls as they gushed over him.

Josie covered her face with one of her hands. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy being the centre of attention — far from it — but something about her feelings for Henrik made her shy. She wasn't used to this type of attention — being the girl receiving sweet gestures from a guy while her girlfriends all looked on. Getting questions from all sides about how she felt and what they'd done and all that.

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