q & a

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(with answers)

1. How are you?
I am good, thank you! I'm enjoying my summer and super excited to go on a solo trip in a couple of days!!! Also my birthday is this month so v exciting times hehe

2. Where are you from?
I am Dutch! But as I explain underneath another question I haven't lived here my whole life! I studied in Amsterdam for three years and now will do my masters in Groningen.

3. When's your birthday?
Thank you for asking so sweet! My birthday is the 25th of July (so soon!), I will be turning 21!

4. How many languages do you speak?
Two! Dutch and English, and a little bit of French (very little)

5. do you have any george fics to recommend?
Here is one bc I don't read enough other fics which is so bad! :
- in the morning light by lazorjam
If anyone else has any put them here I wanna read more too!!

6. do you plan on writing other f1 fics that are not related to the current ones?
Eventually, yes! If I get inspiration and have enough time I would!! But so far this series is taking up all my writing time haha

7. how do you feel about tall girlies representation in f1 fics?
There should be more!!! I never quite specify height on purpose because to me it doesn't matter exactly. I'm quite tall for the rest of the world but average for Dutch girls, but even Lando for example would only be a couple of centimetres taller than me! If this is smth you wish to see I might have good news for my Danny fic hehe

8. do you think you can open an imagine book where we can request stories?
I would love to do this! I will look into it and see if I have enough time to write little one shots if this is something you guys would like to <3

9. How is your English so good when you're Dutch?
Hehe thank you for the compliment! I actually didn't grow up in Holland, I lived in The Gambia (West Africa) until I was 16 and the main language there is English, so I grew up speaking English at school and Dutch at home! Basically, I'm bilingual haha, so that's why!

10. When did you get into f1 and how?
My parents started watching when Max Verstappen started driving at Toro Rosso which was obvs during the Mercedes dominance time so I didn't find it interesting at the time (I would literally read while they watched). However a couple of years later, one of my best friends I met in uni was a fan and bc of her my fyp was flooded wit's the Lewis/max drama after Abu Dhabi, I saw the drivers and their personalities and realised the essence behind the sport so that's when I started watching Drive to Survive and I basically properly started following it at the start of the 2022 season!

11. Favourite track on the calendar?
I'd say Monaco is one of my favourite tracks ever, although I know the race itself is boring qualifying is always so interesting! I also quite like Austria and Brazil!

12. Favourite team and driver?
I'm a Lando and Charles girlie through and through! I'd say team wise I'm more for Ferrari than I am for McLaren (their way of handling the Daniel fiasco last year was not... a great motivator for me as a supporter) but they're starting to warm up to me again now!

13. Thoughts on the whole Daniel and Nyck drama?
I think it's unfair that they offered Nyck only less than half a season to prove his worth in an arguably shit car, and I think the lack of class with which Red Bull/Alpha Tauri have acted in regards to a statement/thank you on Nyck's actual departing is astounding. However, I'm incredibly happy for Daniel and I think he deserves this opportunity. I also understand Red Bull from their perspective in the sense that Perez and Nyck were both performing poorly and probably, this way they're playing a game with Perez and also testing Daniel for a possible RB seat next year. Anyway, in all, definitely a lot of politics and I wonder when we'll get a proper statement on Nyck's side.

14. How do your book ideas come about?
I'd say half of them are epiphanies or things I thought of while nearly falling asleep lol! A lot of them are also inspired by movies, or books, whenever I see a trope I'd like to use etc!

15. When you actually sit down to start writing a book, do you first make an outline of the plot and how do you do that? Like a summary or bullet points?
It really depends on the book. With Snowfall, I needed to make an outline of the first part before I could really sit down and start, but with renegade I have three chapters planned out and an ending and a vibe and that's it (but I will probably plan more as I go). However, I did this with all stories thus far, I plan but I always leave enough room for things to change as I write. Sometimes a scene will go entirely differently from what I first expected, or details or themes will be added that I hadn't thought of before, and usually I'll note them down and eventually they'll become a key theme throughout the story! An example of this is actually Lorenzo's interest in Arden, because this wasn't planned before I started. And another one is Gabriel's preference for Arthur, which will play a part in part three! I didn't think of this plot line until a couple of chapters after I wrote the first one. Here below is an example for the outline of chapter twenty—half of this didn't make it into the chapter that way!

16. Do you make character infos? For example, do you give them zodiac signs, personality types, a birthday?
I do! I usually start with birthday & zodiac sign (I try to research whether the mc and driver ones are compatible) and I often also note down a couple of characteristics like physical features or hobbies! But I don't do anything incredibly elaborate, I usually let the character unfold as I write.

17. Have you watched love island?
I have not! I think I watched one season a couple of years back but haven't been watching it recently.

18. What's your favourite 1d song?
some all time favs: happily, right now, magic, nobody compares, Stockholm syndrome, infinity, I can go on... what are yours?

19. What's something you got away with that your parents still don't know about?
I was such a perfect little good kid when I was younger haha, I have noooo clue.

20. If you had to pick a favourite fictional character who would you pick and why?
Stiles Stilinski! Teen wolf was an incredibly big part of my teen years and stiles was such a comfort character for me, and he will always hold a special place in my heart :)

21. Favourite book?
Oof. Rough question!
The fault in our stars by John green and Happy Place and Book Lovers by Emily Henry are some of my favourites! Also Every Summer After by Carley Fortune

22. When and how did you discover your talent for writing?
First of all, thank you for calling it a talent 🥹 I wasn't always as good as I am now and I'm a wholehearted believer in writing being a skill that the more you practice, the better you become. The earliest memories I have of writing are when I was in primary school, aged 9 or so. I was obsessed with one direction and would write stories where me and my friend would meet them or something like that, mostly fuelled by how much I would read! And I actually continued that, you can find some of my 1d fanfics which I wrote when I was around 11-13 still on my profile—beware they are BAD. I continued to write for Harry Potter after and then had a break during a tough time of my life and when I was 18 I started again by plotting the long game and some other works and starting to write them, then I got into f1 and honestly my writing has very much flourished through reading more books and having such a wonderful, supportive community!

Thank you for all of your lovely questions, I love you and appreciate your support sm ❤️

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