Part 9

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I woke up early this morning it was around 5am. I went to my car and i drove for miles. I don't know where i was going but i drove. Its been two days since last and I don't know tony is acting weird. He is very friendly towards me and I don't I don't know if its a sign of flirting in older men but he has consistently smirking and winking at me. I don't know im probably over reacting.

It was now 10:30am. I had just pulled back up at the compound. I looked at my parking space and dads car was there. I don't know why he was here but i was quite happy he was. In a few months time i have graduation so im happy him and mum are back talking so i can have both parents there together.

I hear a tap on my window and it was gamora. I got out of my car and she smiles.

"Hey pretty. You were sat there for a while. Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah im okay thank you. What are you doing back down here? Sorry that sounded rude but just wondering" i ask.

"Oh we forgot groot didn't we so we have came to collect him" she says smiling.

"Oh right. Are you coming in?" I ask.

"Of course" she smiles.

We walk through the doors and up to the main room. I see mum and dad laughing at eachother on the sofa and tony looking at them. I don't know he had a weird face on. I couldn't tell if he was jealous or not.

"Summer where were you this morning?" Morgan asks.

"Oh i went for a drive I couldn't sleep" i say.

"Well you should sleep" she says.

"Unlike some people morgan some of us can't sleep" i snap.

"Summer stop having a go at your sister. She is right in what she says" mum says.

"You wouldn't understand anyway. You know how to fall asleep and have a good night sleep. Some of us dont see mum.. anyway im going for another drive to get out of the negative air" i say turning on my heel.

"No your not!" Mum snaps.

"I got the keys. Im old enough to make my own decisions now" i say

I turn around and i walk to my car. I climb in and start it and put my seatbelt on but the passenger door opened. It was tony. He put his seatbelt on me and smirked.

"Where we going?" He asks

"Beach? Mountain? Joy ride?" I ask.

"Beach sounds nice. Its pretty breezy today so there wont be hardly anyone there" he says.

"Why? Planning on murdering me are you?" I joke.

"I don't see why not. Put your body in the ocean. Nobody will know" he smirks.

That smirk will be the death of me i swear.

I start to drive and it was a quiet drive with the bluetooth playing in the background. I did notice him looking at me quite a lot but i kept my focus on the road ahead.

"Anyone told you that you drive like a learner driver wanting to be brave?" He asks.

"Nope because I don't. Im a good driver" i say.

"Keep dreaming sweetheart" he says.

I swerve the wheels as nobody was around and he curses and grips the seat.

"Never underestimate my driving mr stark" i say.

He sits quiet and i laugh to myself.

Once we got to the beach we got out and it was quite breezy but it was nice. We walked along the sand and sat down on the rocks watching the sea go in and out.

"So no more going out for drinks?" He says.

"Uh not for a while. Next one will probably graduation. With me not being in a job or anything I'm still on student money so i kinda got to save it" i say

"I can lend you the money if you need it. I know i wont miss it" he says.

"Nah its okay I don't want money off billionaires" i say tapping his shoulder.

"Could be your sugar daddy" he says with a cheeky wink.

"Oh yeah? What would mum say about that?" I ask.

"Im sure she wouldn't mind if i said i was helping her daughter" he says looking back at the sea.

Thinking of him being my sugar daddy made me have a rush inside me. He is such a gentleman but i bet he likes it rough.

"Do you hear me?" He asks.

"Oh huh?" I ask.

"I said want to go and look at rock pools. Probably quite a few creatures out" he says.

"Uh yeah sure" i laugh.

We walk along the rocks and i laugh at him. He was really into it. I walked across them with him and he told me jokes about the creatures. Half of them didn't make sense but I pretended they were funny.

I try and walk across this big one but i slip and tony catches me in his arms.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah thank you" i say looking directly at him.

He stares into my eyes and we both lean in. Our lips touching gaining electric sparks. It was like heaven. His soft lips slowly going in sync with mine. I put my hands in his hair and he pulls me in closer to him. This was very wrong but yet it felt right.

He pulls away and we both curse.

"You are a great kisser but you know it was a one time thing" he says cupping my cheeks.

"Yeah. Glad it happened but I don't think it will happen again" i say.

"I agree. It didn't happen. Well it did because it was amazing but it shouldn't have" he says kissing my forehead.

I nod in agreement and he helps me down off the rocks. We head back to the car and we head back to the compound. It was only supposed to take 20 minutes but it took an hour and a half to get back. Think we both enjoyed the company

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