Part 28

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It was two days later. Apparently tony has booked something for us all and tbh im kind of nervous. He doesn't normally do this sort of thing but it's literally all of us. Theres over 30 of us and he still goes and does it.

Right now it was me tony peter mj and ned in his car he was driving and leading the other cars behind us with everyone else in.

"This better be good as you woke us all up at 5am" I complain taking a sip of red bull.

"Oh it will be, you will all love it" he replies very confidently

"Is it a hotel?" Mj asks.

"Nope. Better. We all got our own living spaces. Some will have to share though as there isn't exactly enough for one each" tony replies

In my head the cogs was turning. Could it be a huge house? I mean we have drove here which have been three hours so far. I dread to think but in a good way

"Okay then how long left?" Peter asks.

"10 minutes" he replies.

Those ten minutes dragged. We were all silent looking for clues but nothing. Well until we see a gate with a man standing in front of it. There was snow everywhere so we couldn't exactly see where we was.

Tony stops in front of this man and rolls down his window

"Ah mr stark, bright and early this morning" he says in a strong American accent.

"Always. Is it ready?" Tony asks

"Always for you mr stark. Drive straight through about half a mile down and there will be a building. The keys and information will be in there" the man says

"Thank you" tony replies

The gate opens and tony drives ahead while putting his window up. We drive down the road and we all gasp.

"Oh my thats so pretty!" I say.

There was a few cabins all in a circle. With an area in the middle. It was super cute

"Stay here" tony says as he stops the car.

He takes his belt off and heads into the office thing. He comes back out ten minutes later and gets in the car again. He drives over and there was a huge parking space so they all parked their cars and got out.

"Right all listen carefully" tony says. "To make it fair as theres 20 cabins you will all go into groups. For example ned mj peter. Pepper, morgan aldritch. Which will be next to scott hope and cassie and so on..."

He explains that they all pick a key randomly out of their groups and the number they are thats what cabin they are in to make it fair.

Everyone choses and goes to the cabin and its only me and him left

"Oh we will have to part and go into someone elses cabin" he says

"What?" I ask.

"Im sorry honey there wasn't enough cabins" he says holding my hand.

I smile a little

"Its okay" i say.

"Aw baby you look so sad, don't worry we got a special cabin. Come with me" he says guiding me.

Special it was. It was on the side of the other ones and it had a decking. We go to the door and opem it and i gasp. It was beautiful. Kitchen and living room and another balcony which had a hot tub over looking the mountains. He takes me back imside and up a few stairs where there was a beautiful big bedroom again looking over the mountains and a bathroom with a bath and shower looking over the mountains too

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