Part 21

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It was 7am monday morning. Im not used to waking up so early but today is the day i start my nursery Job. I was kinda nervous as anyone would be on their first day.

I had already got changed into smart trousers and a jumper. I was very nervous for this first day of work as im so used to just staying home now its the change.

I was nervous so i didn't eat breakfast i was gonna stop at Starbucks instead. I grabbed everything i need for the day and put it in my bag. I should of done it last night but i was too busy making out with tony until friday warned us that peter was on his way so i hid under his bed. Peter was there for an hour with tony talking about a new suit and it was so hard not to cough or laugh. Fair play to tony though he said he was tired and peter finally left so i fell asleep on Tony's chest.

"Ready for your first day chick?" May asks standing in my door way

"Uh ish. Im very nervous. My adhd tabs haven't kicked in and my anxiety is bad but im sure i will be okay"

"Im sure you will pretty" she says smiling.

I made sure i had everything and then me and may walk downstairs. Everyone wishes me luck and i thank them and make my way to the garage.

I opened the boot and placed my bag but then i see a hand come up and shut the boot for me.

"Thought you would need a hand shutting it short ass" tony smirks next to me.

"Thats why i have you. And actually you are quite short too but perfect height for me to reach" i say smoothing his stubble.

He holds my arms and we lean in and kiss. Im addicted to his taste, his body, his scent, his voice. Just everything he is like a drug that i will never give up.

"Good luck today princess" he says pulling away "i will be here as soon as you are home to congratulate you for coping with screaming kids" he smirks.

The school im going to is a primary school but theres a few aln children there so i will be their one to one support and i cannot wait.

"Thank you, i will see you later" i smile.

"Me and you date tonight?" He smirks.

"Okay mr stark, but one day we need to tell everyone because i hate hiding it and i hate not being lovey in public"

"I agree princess, drive safe okay?"

"I will dad"

He smiles and i climb into the car. He watched me pull out of the garage and then heads inside.
I drive straight to starbucks and order an iced vanilla latte and then drive straight to the work place.

The nerves was kicking in again when i pulled in the car park but i calmed myself down a little and headed to the head teachers office. He was a tall slim silver fox. It made me laugh from the time tony pretended to kidnapp me on the date.

"Hi im summer potts, its my first day here" i smile

"Oh hello summer, im micheal or as the students call me mr howells but you can call me mike" he says shaking my hand.

He talks me through everything and introduces me to all the teachers and the two nursery teachers were called miss wills aka lucy and mrs cook aka nikki. They were both in their 40s but oh my they were so funny even in the first 10 minutes.

"So you will be working with a little boy called carter. He has adhd and autism. He only started here last week but the last teacher quit who was working with him for the first three hours. Then another boy called brodie he has autism too"nikki says.

"I have adhd so i kinda know what its like. Im sure they will be okay with me. Hopefully anyway" i smile.

"Its nearly 9 so we better start leaving the children in" lucy says.

I go with nikki to meet carters mother and she was lovely and carter was so adorable. He got along with me straight away which was a good thing. I met all the other children and talked with them while with carter.

Half the day came and after carter left at 12 i had break and made quite a few friends. It was weird as all of them were over 30 but they were all so nice. After break i went back to the classroom and brodie and his dad was there. The dad explained what brodie likes and brodie was straight away hugging me and pulling me to play with him it was so cute.

The day went so fast and when all the children left the teachers complimented me and my work

"See you tomorrow sum!" Nikki says.

"See you both tomorrow" i smile.

I leave the classroom and go back to my car and straight away the group chat calls

Ava- well hello miss potts, how was school?

Me- it was amazing and i loved the kids and the teachers loved me. They are basically all still babies and ahhhh its so cuteeee

Hunter- bit early for baby fever don't think daddy billionaire would be too happy

We all talk for a while then i end the call and make my way back to the compound.

"Here she is, the teacher" nat smiles.

"I absolutely loved it!" I say happily flopping on the sofa next to wanda

"You look so happy my girl im happy for you!" Dad says.

"Thanks dad, anyway im gonna change because i got food and sand and god knows what else over my clothes. Some kids are messy" i laugh.

I do make my way upstairs and tony follows. He follows me into my room and sits on my bed.

"Get ready. Say to the others you are going out for a few drinks with the girls to celebrate but not getting drunk as of work. I will just sneak out. Me and you date okay?" He says

"Okay, what am i wearing?" I ask

"Easy access outfit please" he winks and walks out of the room.

This man is full of surprises

Hi guys im so sorry, i literally haven't had the time to update and i forgot all about it if im honest. So heres another chapter and more to come :)

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