Part 25

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Another three days have passed. I still haven't spoken to mum. I went to the compound yesterday to grab a few things but mum and Morgan was out with dad so i didn't see her. Tony stayed for a while but i went back to the house until he came back.

Right now i was laying on the sofa watching TikTok until my phone rang it was tony. Considering he was only down the lab he only had to buzz for me

"Yes mr stark?" I ask through the phone.

"Get down here now!" He says then ends it.

I laugh to myself because he was down there sorting his suits out. He probably seen my pretty pink one lol.

I walk down the stairs and he was sitting there on his chair with his arms crossed with the pink suit on the stand next to him. I laugh and i punch in my finger print and walk in.

"Explain" he says.

"Well you see, all your suits are red and boring so i thought i would spice it up a little" i smirk as i walk towards him.

I sit on his lap straddling him as he holds me.

"Its lucky i like you very much" he says.

"Hmm i like you too" i smile

He starts kissing me and his phone rings.

"This phone always interrupts when i want things to escalate with you" he groans.

He answers it and it was fury he needed tony for a meeting and he agreed to go. He ended the phone and cuddles me.

"Are you gonna be okay here?" He asks.

"I will come with you" i say.

"Your mum is gonna be there sum, do you think thats the best idea?" He says.

"Tones i can't keep putting it off, im gonna have to see her sooner or later" i reply.

"Okay, well i think thats a good idea" he says.

We both stand up and gather our things then head to the car. He drives and the whole time his hand was in mine. Driving like the maniac he is we got to the compound so fast.

I was kinda nervous to see mum but at the same time it needs to be done and she is my mother afterall.

"I will be here, if it goes south i will take you back home" he says squeezing my hand

Home. He called it home.

"Okay" i smile lightly.

We get out of the car and head inside. We walk to the main room and mum is the first person i see. She looks at me and gives a little smile.

"Can we talk?" I ask her.

"Of course hunny" she says

Thats a good sign. I leave Tony's side and walk into the other room well it was basically another living room that we never use. I sit down on the sofa and she sits next to me.

All of a sudden she starts crying so i wrap my arms around her and embrace her in a hug.

"Im sorry sum, its up to you who you want to date, i guess i found it a little weird and a shock considering the age gap but dad spoke to me and we know tony is a good gentleman and will treat you like a princess" she says holding my two hands.

"He does mum, i really like him i know its weird as you know. Both of you. Are you sure you are okay with it?" I ask.

"Im okay hunny. I promise it was just a shock. If he makes you happy, im happy. I can see the way you were together and i guess you two are a good match" she smiles.

"Thank you mum, can you talk to tony too?" I ask.

"I did... im sorry it was before you but i wanted to make sure he was sure about the relationship i begged him not to tell you" she says.

"Its okay, i love you mum" i say hugging her again.

"I know sweetheart i love you too"


The meeting seemed to go on forever. Me and Morgan was playing games and colouring but i don't know its weird i miss tony. I have spent all this time with him and now being away from him its weird.

"Sum" i hear his voice behind me. Speak of the devil.

"Hey" i smile.

"Hey bro" morgan jokes.

"Don't start little one" he smirks.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah... morg can i speak to your sister for a minute?" He asks her.

"Yeah sure. Byeeee" she says skipping out of the room.

I stand up and walk towards him. He kisses my lips and i groan.

"Make it official. Wait no its too soon to be a couple. I promise it will happen soon but say to everyone we are dating? I guess its that" he says.

"Dating, not boyfriend and girlfriend" i laugh.

"Yes exactly that!" He says

"Okay lets go!" I say taking his hand.

"Someones eager" he laughs following me.

We walk into the main room hand in hand and everyone smiles.

"Congratulations" nat smiles

"Dating. Romanoff. Not a couple yet" tony says smiling at me.

"Yeah taking it slow" i laugh

I sit down with everyone and tony goes out of the room. I didn't follow i just stayed put. We talked a whole bunch of shit and laughed but i had a message on my phone

Meet me in the bedroom...nothing sexual x

It was tony. I smile at the text and pretend to yawn. It was quite late to be honest.

"Im gonna go up to bed" i say standing up.

"No babies yet!" Bucky shouts.

"Protection!" Sam adds

"Be quiet dickheads" i say laughing again.

These people always make me laugh. I walk upstairs and to the bedroom.

When i walk in the room was lightly lit. It had rose petals on the bed and all over the floor. I gasp. It was so pretty. The petals had a line so i followed them and it led me to the bathroom. Tony was standing there in the dim bathroom. It had candles and wine and a bubble bath.

"Woah" i gasp.

"Like it?" He smirks.

"I love it, but i thought you wasn't this romantic?" I say looking at him.

He takes my arms and hugs me.

"Hm i might have changed just for you" he smiles.

Tony stark does have a heart somewhere

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