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This idea was sent to me by yubel1999
Thank you for the idea! Also, in this story Percebeth never happened.

Camp Half-Blood
The time has come. With summer coming to an end, it is time for me to go back home. I love being at camp. Being at camp has been my favorite times since I was 12, and it always crushes me when I have to leave. I leave my friends behind to potentially be eaten by monsters, and it scares me. Sure they can take care of themselves, but who knows. Anything can happen.

I talk to my friends for a little while longer while I wait for my mom to get here. We talk about all the things we want to do next summer, and the fun adventures of this summer. It was the first summer in years that nothing bad happened, and no major quests were sent out. Meaning, I got to spend the whole summer just hanging out.

A few minutes later, my mom finally got here so I said my last goodbyes and left. I got in the car and was met by my mom and Paul. They explained that they were going on a date tonight, so I would have the house for a few hours. We drove home talking about all the things that I did this summer, and going over rules for when I got home. Like hell I would wander the streets by myself. Just because nothing happened this summer doesn't mean monsters won't attack.

We finally got home after quite a long drive, and I went strait inside. Mom and Paul left for their date leaving my alone with the house. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge to see a plate of blue cookies. 'Yes please.' I thought. I took the cookies out of the fridge, and started eating them. A few cookies later, I took one last one and headed to my room.

I walked down the hall pausing at my door before opening it. My eyes widen for a second when I see someone sitting on my bed, but relax when I see it's Aphrodite. Wait, Aphrodite? Why is Aphrodite in my bedroom? Oh gods not a quest.

"Hello, Percy." She says and I just stare at her. The goddess of love is in my bedroom. And my god is she beautiful. She smirks at me when she sees me staring, but I can't help it. The things I want to do with her. She motions me towards her, and I move without thinking. I sit next to her on my bed and stare into her beautiful eyes. Gods Percy get it together.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask

"Well I'm here to see you of course." She says

"Why?" I ask hesitantly. The last time I saw her it almost ended badly. Or not badly, but you know.

"Oh Percy." She says as she takes my hand "Do I need a reason to come and see you?"

My heart rate increases when she takes my hand. Gods the effect she has on me is intoxicating. I shake my head at her question and she gives me a warm smile. In my 19 years of life, I never thought this would happen. I turn my gaze away from her and into something else, until I feel her hand on my face.

Her thumb moves across my cheek as she guides me to look at her again. Her face is inches from mine, and before I know it, she's kissing me. Aphrodite is kissing me. I'm taken aback for a second, but reciprocate the passion. I wrap my arms around her frame, and pull her closer to me. My hands wander her body as she continues to attack my lips.

She breaks away from the kiss and rests her forehead against mine. Her hand travels down my body hand lands in my throbbing dick.

"Is this okay?" She asks

"Yes." I immediately answer

She snaps her fingers, and our clothes immediately leave our bodies. She wraps her slim hands around me, and pumps me a few times. Her hands come up to my shoulders, and she pushes me down so I'm laying down under her. She moves down so she's level with my cock, and licks up my shaft. I shutter at her movements.

She keeps doing this making me more and more desperate for her mouth. I look at her with needy eyes, and she smirks before taking me in her mouth. I groan at the feeling of her perfect lips around me. She bobs her head very slowly, and takes me deeper and deeper. All of a sudden, she hollows her cheeks and takes all of me. I move my hand into her hair and guide her along my length.

She wraps her hand around my base and strokes me as she moves up and down my shaft. A few more minutes of her doing that, I explode on her tongue. I shoot thick ropes of come down her throat and she swallows every drop. She releases me with a 'pop' and crawls up to kiss me.

I pull her down onto me, and take her into a deep and passionate kiss. A few seconds later, she pulls away. She sits up to straddle me, and looks deep into my eyes. Without breaking eye contact, she lifts her body before sinking my cock into her. We both moan at this.

She places her hands on my chest for support, then starts riding me. She throws her head back with a moan as she bounces on my dick fast and hard. I feel the need to kiss her, so I pull her down into my chest. I take her into yet another kiss while simultaneously thrusting up into her.

I flip us over so she's under me, and pick up my pace. I throw her leg over my shoulder, and start hitting that spot deep inside her. That spot that drives her insane. Before I know it, she's screaming my name.

"Fuck yes, Percy!" She screams "Yes! Right there Percy, I'm gonna come!"

With a few more thrusts, she explodes all over me. Her pussy clenches me as she rides out her orgasm. I flip her over onto her hands and knees and fuck her from behind. I tightly grip her hips as I mercilessly ram into her. She sobs out moans with every thrust only making me go harder.

"Fuck Percy! I'm gonna come again!" She moans

"That's it, baby. Come on my cock." I grunt

She, once again, explodes at my words. Her pussy squeezing me impossibly tighter. I groan as I feel myself come closer and closer to my climax. I land a few harsh smacks to Aphrodite's ass, causing her to yelp in pleasure. Her sweet, sweet sounds get louder and louder as her 3rd orgasm approaches. I feel myself twitch inside her hinting at my own climax.

"Fuck! Yes, Percy!" She moans "Please come deep inside of me."

Her words only push me closer to the edge, and with a few more thrusts I explode. I shoot ropes of my come deep inside of her, just as she wanted. A few seconds later, I pull out of her and collapsed next to her. She lays on top of me and lets out a deep breath.

"God, Percy. I should've come to you sooner." She says and I chuckle

"You can come to me whenever you want." I say "Just make sure Ares and Hephaestus don't curse me."

"They can fuck right off." She says and I chuckle

She summons some black sweatpants on me, and a black lace slip dress on her. She snuggles into my body, and lays her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, and pull her into me. She nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck, and takes a deep breath. She places chaste kisses on my neck as we both drift to sleep.

"Thank you." She whispers as we fall into the realm of Morpheus.


I hope you enjoyed!! There isn't going to be an upload schedule for this story like there is my other one. I post on that every Sunday (unless I forget). If y'all have any ideas for me feel free to comment or message me! This idea came from yubel1999 so that you for the idea!


Words: 1419

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