Broken Promises

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I'm sorry in advance.
I wanted to write Percabeth fighting, and this is the first thing I came up with. I'm also writing another one so apologies go out for that one too. Enjoy, or try to.

3rd Person
Everything was awful. Percy was kidnapped again and Annabeth couldn't help but worry. Last time he was kidnapped she didn't see him for 6 months. To make it all worse, he doesn't have Riptide. Apparently he didn't have any pockets when he was taken, so Riptide doesn't have anywhere to travel to. All anyone can do right now is wait.


Percy was struggling to say the least. He was in a room with a dehumidifier, without riptide, and with no means of escape. Now he's been in situations like this, but not this bad. This was a death trap that he couldn't get out of. It only gets worse when a couple of dracaena come in holding daggers. Great.

You may have guessed by now that they wanted to torture him for things he definitely didn't do, but what's new. To make it all better, it wasn't just dracaena. A little while into being cut and stabbed they switch out for a couple of gorgons. Then they switched out with a couple of Cyclopes. That one hurt.

By the end of the room was covered in his blood, but they were still going. Percy knew that if he didn't come up with something quick he would most certainly die. That's when he got to thinking. In Tartarus, he used poison to choke out the goddess of misery. Poison is a liquid. Blood is a liquid.

Percy was deep in his thinking when the door swung open to reveal every single one of the monsters that have been torturing him, and he knew that this was the endgame. He dipped his head and focused on the crimson liquid that was splattered across the room. He suddenly felt a tug in his gut and knew that it was working. Though deep down he wished it hadn't.

The snarky remarks turned into gurgling then choking then... nothing. He looked up and saw nothing but half a dozen piles of dust. It worked.


Camp Half-Blood has been in shambles ever since Percy was kidnapped. Sure it had only been 3 days, but 3 days can quickly turn into 6 months. They've seen that before. Frank and Jason were sitting on boarder patrol doing a whole lot of nothing when they saw it. A figure stumbling through the forest. Frank saw it first and focused in quickly recognizing it.

"Oh my gods." He says as he runs out of the boarder

Jason looks at him like he's crazy until he sees what he's running towards. Jason is quick to follow Frank as they run up to a bruised and battered Percy. Percy stumbles and Frank catches him and helps him to the boarder.

"Jason, tell Will to get the infirmary ready." Frank says and Jason sprints off to find Will, "Percy why are you covered in blood?"

"It's mine if it makes you feel better." Percy answers

"It doesn't." Frank says, "What the hell happened?"

"Torture is a tough thing. Don't recommend it." Percy replies breathlessly

Frank helps Percy to the infirmary where they meet Will and a hand full of other Apollo campers. He's taken into a private room where Will immediately starts working on his wounds. Shortly after starting, Annabeth joined them in the room and sat by Percy's side.

Will was working on the wounds to his abdomen and noticed that most of them weren't bleeding despite being deep enough to kill. Annabeth noticed this too, but decided to keep quiet on it for the moment. Percy would wince every once in a while and Will would mutter a quiet 'sorry', but kept working. A couple of hours went by and Will healed most of Percy's wounds, but the bigger ones still looked inflamed.

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