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In honor of our favorite demigods birthday, here's a birthday one shot!
Cabin 3
Percy's POV
I was peacefully sleeping when all of a sudden my door bursts open. In walked all my friends. To say I was confused was an understatement. Why in Hades name we're they busting down my door at whatever time it is? I look at them confused and tired as they all walk up to me.

"Percy! Get ready we're going to a water park!" Jason says

"A water park? Why?" I ask

"Is he serious?" Jason asks "Its your birthday! And we're going to celebrate!"

My birthday! I forgot about my birthday. I got up and they all left so I could get dressed. I put on my swim trunks and a black hoodie and made my way out. They were all waiting for me and we walked down to the boarder where Argus was waiting. (AN: is Argus even his name?) we all loaded into the van, and we started our journey to the water park.

On the way there, we were talking about all the things we wanted to do while there. Stuff like water gun fights, water slides, wave pool you know the usual. I don't understand why I couldn't have made a wave pool for them. You know in the safety of camp. I'm not complaining though because I haven't had any fun in months.

We arrived at the water park, and no one was there. They then told me that they rented out the whole place for the day just for my birthday. We walked in and set our stuff down in a party room before going out to play some games. We all dispersed into the indoor waterpark and prepared for battle. I'll be damned if I don't win this super awesome water gun fight that's about to begin.

I ran away from everyone and found myself a really good water gun. These people are going down! Slowly, I made my way to the center of the park shooting everyone in my path. Before I knew it, it was just me and Annabeth still in. If anyone was gonna beat me it's Annabeth. I very quietly make my way around the park until I spot Annabeth. Her back is to me, so I can get an easy shot. We all know I'm an awful shooter, so I had to get a little closer to land the shot.

I quietly walk up behind her to where I'm just a few feet away, and shoot her. She turns around startled and sees that I shot her. She puts down her gun and surrenders albeit reluctantly. She really does hate losing.

"I win." I say

Everyone rolls their eyes and we all decide to go and hang out in the wave pool. Seriously though, I could make a way better wave pool than this. It would be awesome. They all said that if I made a wave pool they would all drown, but that's just not true. I would never down them. Purposely.

We were all hanging out in the wave pool when all of a sudden Jason splashed me. I was flabbergasted. I splashed him back at it turned into a giant splashing battle between me and Jason. The joke is on him though because I'm a fish and can control water. I made a huge ball of water and put it over him before dropping it on his head.

"That is not fair!" He says

"Tough shit." I say

Hours go by of us playing various water games and me and Jason fighting. Every time he initiated a water fight I won and he got more and more determined to beat me. Not gonna happen. We went on all the water slides and did races to see who got down the fastest, and it was all around a great day. After hours of playing, we went back to the party room where they got me a blue cake. We ate the cake then started opening presents.

I opened Jason's first and when I opened it I was awestruck. It was the same exact panda pillow pet that Octavian so rudely destroyed. I was devastated when Octavian up ruined my pillow pet, and that's the whole reason why I hated him. I mean sure he teamed up with Gaea and started a whole war, but he destroyed my panda pillow pet. Like how rude.

I opened the rest of my presents and I gotta say, these people know me so well. They all got me some stupid gift that anyone else would hate, but I loved all of them. The only person who didn't give me a gift was Annabeth. That's suspicious. She walked up to me and whispered something in my ear.

"I'll give you your gift later." She whispered and I smirked

We all finished eating the cake, and got back into the van to go back to camp. We talked about random stuff all the way back until we finally got there. Everyone retired to their cabin for the night, and me and annabeth went to mine. As soon as the door closed she started making out with me. She dragged me over to my bed, and we had amazing birthday sex.

After, we cuddled with eachother for a while until I finally drifted off to sleep. The last thing I heard being:

"Happy birthday, Seaweed Brain."

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