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Shower sex, edging, dom percy, begging, praise, degradation,
Annabeth's POV
I was sitting in the bleachers watching Percy train with nothing but lust. Like dear gods Percy looks good as fuck while he's training. I had a book in my lap and was going to get some work done, but Percy is way too distracting for that.

I watch as he finishes up his training and jogs back to his cabin. I wait a few minutes before getting up and following him. Upon entering, I see that his cabin is empty, but there's a quiet stream of water coming from the bathroom. I quietly make my way over there and innocently enter the bathroom. He jumps at the sudden entry, but relaxes when he sees it's me.

"Hi, my love." He says, "You scared the crap out of me."

"Sorry, Seaweed Brain." I say with a smile

He goes back to his shower, quietly humming a song, and I start discarding my clothes to join him. He doesn't seem to notice until I enter the shower and place a kiss on the nape of his neck. He turns around and smiles at me before taking me in a kiss. I bask in the feeling of his lips on mine as the water cascades down our bodies.

"I saw you watching me." He says against my lips

"I can't help it. You look so sexy when you're training." I say before kissing him again

His tongue swipes against my bottom lip requesting entry and I immediately oblige. We fight for dominance, but eventually I give up and let him take it. His arms move around me as he pulls me against him. He moves his lips down and latches onto my neck on just the right spot. One of my hands goes up to his soaking hair while the other travels down his body and lands on his hardening length.

He groans against my neck as I slowly stroke his dick and sucks harder on my neck. That's gonna leave a mark. Oh well.  He abruptly stops his kisses on my neck and roughly turns me around earning a yelp out of me. He presses my chest against the wall and stands directly behind me. I wiggle my hips against him earning a deep groan from him.

His hand goes to my neck and squeezes it roughly as his other hand ventures down to my throbbing core. He shoves his middle finger deep inside me, and I let out a loud moan. He leans down and kisses my jaw as he mercilessly finger fucks me. I force my hips back to meet his thrusts, and he stops moving his hand. I keep throwing my hips back against him as he leaves love bites on my jaw.

"Good girl, Annabeth. Fuck yourself on my hand." He mutters

"Fuck, Percy~!" I moan, "It feels so good."

I feel a knot starting to grow in my stomach and I start to fuck myself faster. Right as I'm about to tip over the edge Percy pulls his hand away. I let out a whine and he chuckles against my jaw. He moves up and places a kiss on my cheek before standing behind me.

"Percy, please." I plead, "Please can I cum for you?"

"Is that what you want?" He asks "You want to cum all over my dick?"

"Gods, yes. Please Percy!" I moan

He hums in acknowledgment and I gasp when I feel his tip prodding at my entrance. I arch my back against him and take him inside me with a loud whine. He starts a torturously slow pace that only leaves me longing for more. His hands travel my body before landing on my hips and squeezing hard enough to leave handprints.

He places a kiss on my shoulder before pulling out and roughly snapping his hips into mine, causing me to scream out. He starts a fast pace and I instinctively move my hand down to rub my aching clit. His hand quickly catches my arm as he pins them both to the shower wall. I try to move them down, but the water adding to his strength makes it too difficult.

"Gods, fuck~! Percy more!" I moan out as he hits just the right spots

He listens and moves his hand down to rub tight circles on my clit. I arch into him as my orgasm quickly approaches, and he only speeds up. I let out a loud moan as I get closer and closer to my impending climax. I squeeze Percy's dick coaxing a deep, sexy moan from the man, and it only brings me closer. Right as I'm about to cum he stops. He pulls his hand away and grabs mine before forcing it to the wall.

"Please, Percy! Please, I need to cum so bad. I'll be so good for you, Percy, just please let me cum for you." I beg

"How much do you want it, baby?" He asks lowly

"I want it so bad. Please, I'll do anything." I plead desperately

"You don't cum until I tell you, got it?" He asks and I desperately nod

He starts back his rough pace making it abundantly clear that his demand was going to be really hard to achieve. His hips roughly snap to mine filling the shower with the sound of slapping skin and lewd moans. I feel myself getting closer to my orgasm, but I hold out.

Percy's hand takes hold of my neck as he forces my back into him. My back is against his chest as he starts leaving kisses and love bites all over my jaw. Since the water from the shower is giving him more strength, he quickens his pace making it even harder for me to hold out. It's only then when I realize what he wants.

"Percy, please! You feel too good inside of me I really need to cum! Please let me cum all over your perfect dick! Gods I love it so fucking much. Please, Percy!" I beg and hear a low, satisfied hum

Percy travels up from my jaw to just under my ear before he lightly nips at it. He hums lowly in my ear as I tightly squeeze around him, but he doesn't stop nor does he say anything. I'm stuttering out pleas as he continues his rough pace until I can barely hold myself back.

"Cum." He demands and I immediately do

I let out a strangled scream as I explode around him, but his pace doesn't slow. My head drops as Percy mercilessly pounds into me. His grip on my neck tightens and he groans in my ear as his own release comes sneaking up. I squeeze around him one last time, and his movements stop as he spills into me.

"My fucking gods." I murmur

"That what you wanted, baby?" He asks

"Mhm." I hum, "Thank you."

"Of course, wise girl." He says, "Now, we actually have to take a shower, so no funny business."

Percy proceeds to wash me and finish his own shower before getting us some clothes. I plop down in his bed next to him and cuddle up to him before falling asleep to the smell of the sea.

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