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Praise, degradation, choking, spanking,
Annabeth's POV
"Percy! Come train with me!" I yell and Percy immediately gets up

He greets me with a kiss before following me to the arena. Upon entering, I take off his hoodie, that I 100% stole, and he takes off his shirt. He pulls riptide from his pocket and I get out my dagger. It's been a little while since we've sparred, and I'm ready to beat him again.

He stretches his back and shoulders before facing me and getting ready to fight. I stare at him for a second, because his chest is distracting, before lunging at him.

"You ready to get beat?" I ask

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, wise girl." He answers

He quickly blocks my dagger and I move it down to hit his abdomen. He sidesteps and swings his sword at my arm, but I block. This goes on for a little while until we disarm each other, and I know I only have a few minutes until riptide is back in his pocket.

"Hand to hand combat? We both know you can't do that." I tease

"You're cocky today. Maybe I should put that pretty mouth of yours to better use." He teases back

"You'd love that wouldn't you?" I ask

"You know I would." He says

I approach him and throw a few punches which he dodges. We go hand to hand for a little while until he gets close enough to where I can do my favorite thing. I judo flip him. I kneel down and take riptide out of his pocket, and press it against his neck. He smiles up at me I smirk at him.

"You look good on top of me." He says

I roll my eyes and help him up. As soon as he's standing, he takes me into a deep kiss. I push him away and grab my stuff before walking to his cabin. I hear him mumble something, but I couldn't quite make it out.

I entered his cabin and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I exit, I'm met by Percy sitting against the headboard of his bed sharpening his sword. He still doesn't have a shirt on, so I get to marvel at his toned body. He looks up at me and smiles when he sees I'm only covered by a towel.

I walk over to the bed and climb onto his lap, discarding the towel. He puts riptide away and pulls me roughly into him. He immediately takes me into a fiery kiss before moving down to my jaw and neck. I let out breathy moans as he leaves love bites all over my neck on all my favorite places.

His hands are firmly planted on my hips holding me in place, but that doesn't stop me from grinding on him. He groans against my neck and sucks a little harder earning a moan out of me. 

"Percy~" I breathe

"Hmm?" He hums against me

"Please can I ride you?" I ask

"Be a good girl and use me." He replies

I move down to take off his pants and underwear. His erection springs free and I immediately wrap my lips around it. Percy groans as I take him down my throat. He wraps his hand in my hair and guides me along his cock. I wrap one of my hands around him and start leisurely stroking him earning a throaty moan.

"Fuck, baby. This is a better use for that smart ass mouth." He says, "Get up here."

He pulls me up and I straddle his lap just under his cock and he kisses me again. He nudges me up signaling for me to start riding, and I immediately take the hint. I line him up to my entrance before sinking all the way down. He wraps his arms around me and roughly kisses me as I adjust to his size, but I quickly start moving my hips. His hands go to my hips as I start to bounce on his cock.

My hands go to his shoulders for leverage as I ride him desperately. My mouth falls open as he hits all the right spots. With every stroke my need for him grows tenfold, and I ride him like my life depends on it. His hands tighten on my hips and he groans at the fast and desperate pace I started. He starts to thrust his hips up meeting me halfway only making everything that much better. I let out a strangled cry as I explode around him.

"Good fucking girl, Annabeth. Fuck you look so good right now." He groans

One of my hands travels up to his cheek as I go down to kiss him. Our foreheads rest against each others for a second, and I slow my pace. Percy snaps his hips up roughly and I immediately sit up and continue my original pace. My hand slowly creeps down from his cheek and finds its way to his neck.

I grip his neck for more leverage as I force myself up and down on his cock. My hand on his neck seems to elevate his mood as he snaps his hips up with more force than before making me see stars. I feel my next orgasm quickly approaching, and Percy does too. My walls flutter around him as I grind my hips desperately against his.

"Fuck yes. Use me baby. Fuck~ cum all over my cock." He groans huskily

"Fuck, Percy~. You feel so fucking good." I moan

My grip on his neck tightens as I cum for the second time, and he seems to love it. A smirk forms on his face as I squeeze hard enough to restrict air. My grip loosens as I recover from my orgasm and his hands go down to my ass. I let out a yelp as his hands come down on ass leaving a stinging sensation behind. This only makes me go faster.

"Do it again." I moan

"You like that?" He asks lowly as he spanks me again, "You like it when I spank you?"

Words fail me and I can only nod at his sexy ass words. I never thought I would enjoy Percy hitting me, but this is amazing. I know he would only do it when I ask him, and that somehow makes it better. He continues to spank me every few seconds, and I start to feel my 3rd orgasm approach.

"Oh, I'm gonna cum again." I mutter

"Wait." He demands

I ride him desperately in need of another orgasm, but I oblige to his words. Not for very long as the knot tightens in my stomach leaving my crying out in pleasure.

"Please, I can't hold it." I plead

"Yes you can. Just a little longer." He groans as he takes over for me

He thrusts up into me as I try to ride him, but fail. The knot threatening to burst grows in pressure until it's almost unbearable. I whine as Percy's pace gets faster but sloppier. With a few final thrusts Percy pulls me into him.

"Cum." He says in my ear and I do

My vision goes blank as the force of my orgasm takes over. My body is left shaking as Percy spills into me still making shallow thrusts. My body gives out and I go limp in his lap as I come down from my high. I can confidently say that was the best orgasm I've ever had, and it's going to be rather hard to top. Perhaps I should make him mad and have angry sex with him. That would be good.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly as his hands run up and down my back. He whispers in my ear, but my brain if to foggy to register the words. I tighten my grip on him as he picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. He quickly fills the bath before placing me in and sliding in behind me.

We wash up together then go back to his bed, not bothering to put clothes on. I fall asleep with my body covering his and his arms wrapped tightly around me. I fall asleep in bliss.

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