Car Ride

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Car sex(kinda), public sex(kinda), Annabeth being horny asf, fingering, edging(kinda), dom Percy
Annabeth's POV
Being away from camp half-blood has been nice. Me and Percy moved into our own apartment in the city, and life's been all around great. The only problem is we've been missing our friends back at camp. So Percy decided to surprise them by showing up and staying for a few days. Only problem, it's a bit of a car ride away.

Percy finishes loading our bags into the trunk of his Maserati Spyder, his dream car, and we quickly hit the road. Now Percy tends to avoid main roads, because he's technically a federal fugitive, so we find ourselves on backroads for most of the trip. Being on backroads has its perks. One of them being there isn't anyone around. So, naturally, when I get horny seeing his hands flex around the steering wheel, I can do something about it.

Percy has one hand on the wheel and the other is resting on my thigh. His occasional squeeze makes me want to have him in the backseat, but we have to get to camp.  I lay my hand over his and interlace our fingers. I spread my legs a little before placing my other hand over my aching core.

When he doesn't take notice I move my shorts and underwear to the side before sliding a finger inside of me. I look over to him and see him focusing on the road, not paying attention to me whatsoever. The hand resting on my thigh squeezes tightly before rubbing back and forth making me even more needy.

I slip another finger into myself and start a slow pace to not draw attention. My mouth falls open as my fingers glide in and out of my aching core. A knot starts to form in my stomach and I squeeze Percy's hand tighter than I meant to. I quicken my pace as Percy looks over at me.

"Annie." He says in a 'really' tone

"I'm sorry." I moan, "Your just so- fuck~"

I let out a loud moan as a wave of euphoria washes over me. Percy's hand grips my thigh a little harder as I ride out my orgasm. He's glancing between me and the road almost unable to resist looking. I look at him as I lick off my juices and he stares at me.

His hand moves from my thigh and I let out a strangled gasp when he shoves 2 fingers into me. He starts a painfully slow pace, so I grip his hand to make him go faster. He tells me to keep my hand down or he stops, and that made my hand move away faster than I'd like to admit. He speeds up a little earning quiet moans and whimpers from me.

He fingers alternate from rubbing my clit to fingering me, and it is one of the best thing ever. One thing about Percy, he is awesome with his fingers. I don't know its all the sword fighting, but his fingers are the best thing I've ever felt. Besides his dick of course.

He gradually gets faster causing me to squirm. A knot starts to form in my core as he plays with me more and more, but I can't quite get there.

"Fuck Percy~. More, please." I moan

"No. This is all you get." He says and I whine, "Better make it quick we're almost there."

"Please! I need more!" I plead

"No." He says sternly "You take what I give you, and you thank me for it."

I let out a loud whine as his fingers go to me clit again. He rubs faster, but I need more to get me over the edge. The dominance in his voice creeps me closer to the edge, but I'm still not quite there. The forests start looking really familiar as we grow closer to camp.

The knot in my stomach starts to tighten as his fingers enter me again. He bluntly probs at my g-spot and I let out a moan at his movements.

"Cum." He demands

"Percy, please. Just a little more." I plead

He goes faster at my words, and I feel the knot grow tighter. We're basically in the parking lot and Percy grows impatient.

"Cum now or you don't cum at all." He threatens and I moan loudly

I tighten around his fingers as he finds a parking space. He somehow goes even faster and I explode all over his hand with a loud moan. He slows down and helps me ride out my high as he parks the car. He pulls him fingers out of me and licks them clean before looking over to me. I smile innocently and he gets out of the car to open my door. We get out to get our bags, and he pins me to the car.

"What do you say?" He asks

"Thank you." I say with a smile

"Mhm." He hums "Don't do that again."

"Yes, sir." I say with an innocent smile

"Your such a fucking brat." He says

"Yeah? Maybe you should fuck the brattiness out of me." I say placing my hand over his rock hard dick

"Let's go." He says before grabbing our bags and walking us to his cabin. Let's just say Percy was rather angry by the end of the day, I'm always happy to be a stress reliever.

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