Clarisse Bashing

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This one is inspired by @mxsonwillixm2 on TikTok!

Percy's POV
Incase you were wondering! The thing that Clarisse La Rue is best at is running her mouth. Some might say that's it's fighting, but I can say from personal experience that's it's running her mouth. Like I swear to all the gods of Olympus that the only thing she does all day is run her mouth to whoever is around. I don't even know how she still has stuff to complain about.

Anyway, all the demigods were gathered in the throne room discussing quests and Clarisse has to find something to complain about. She's complaining about some stupid shit and how she can't go on the quests. Like chill the fuck out. I'm standing off the the side and I feel like a geyser that's about to explode. I decide, for the sake of everyone in the room, that I will ask the gods for a tiny favor. So I pray.

For the love of Olympus, I swear to gods if Clarisse doesn't shut her ass up I'm going to lose my ever living shit. Now for the sake of everyone in this room I highly recommend you make her put a gods damn cork in it. I pray to whoever is listening

Apparently everyone because their eyes widen as they look to me. I'm in the back against the wall trying to calm myself, but I can't stand Clarisse running her mouth.

"Oh I get it! You guys need me to go on a quest that takes a little more heat." She says and everyone starts talking. I lose it.

"Clarisse!" I say and everyone goes silent "The hottest thing in the room right now is your fucking breath. I swear to gods I have a better chance extinguishing Apollo and the sun chariot than rinsing your your foul mouth. If running your mouth was a sport in the Olympics was a sport in the Olympics, you would get gold medal! I swear on Gaea's green earth if you don't shut the fuck up, I will shove my sword so far down your fucking throat that's it's sticking out of your ass!"

Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes and slack jaws. I do a damn good job keeping my emotions in check because when I don't bad things happen. Like hurricanes or earthquakes. This time, a death of a demigod.

"Listen here, Prissy," she starts but she's cut off by Ares

"Clarisse." He says and she turns to him. He has a fearful look in his eyes but he quickly masks it. He doesn't say anything else, but he shakes his head. She seems to get the message.

"κλείσε το στόμα σου μια φορά στη ζωή σου. θεοί." I say before turning on my heel and walking out. The last thing they hear from me being my plan with Clarisse. (Shut your mouth for once in your life. Gods.)

"I should feed her to the sharks."

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