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Me and Percy were chilling at his house after a long few weeks. We had to go on a quest to retrieve some random stuff that the gods lost. You would think that they wouldn't lose things as gods, but no. Anyway, it took us 3 weeks to find and return everything, so we are tired. Instead of going back to camp we decided to go back to his moms house.

Now, sally jackson is one of my favorite people ever. I met her a few years ago, and now she's like a mother to me. She makes the best food even when it's dyed blue. She even knows how to shoot a shotgun. So naturally, I love hanging out with her. Which is good because she will be my mother in law one day. Hopefully soon.

Me and Percy were cuddling on his bed watching a movie. Once the movie ended, Percy told me he was going to go shower. I watched him leave the room, and close the door behind him. I imagined him in the shower with water dripping down his body. I imagine how perfect his wet hair looks, and his perfect figure.

A tingling feeling forms between my legs, and my hand travels down my body. I pull my pants down to my knees and make contact with my clit. I make small circles around my sensitive clit, and close my eyes. I let out soft moans, so no one can hear me and continue making myself feel good. The thought of Percy's figure dripping with water only makes it better.

I let myself moan a little louder, as I dip a finger deep inside me. I slowly pump my finger in and out imagining Percy's fingers instead of mine. I imagine all the things Percy would do to me is he were in here, and it elevates my pleaser tenfold.

"Percy~!" I moan softly as I add another finger

I start going faster chasing my orgasm. I moan Percy's name over and over, as I continue to finger my pussy. God what I would do to have Percy's dick right now. I need it. I moan out Percy's name as my orgasm washed over me. I withdraw my fingers, and rub my clit to ride it out.

"Was that good, baby?" A familiar voice asks. I look up and meet the eyes of Percy looking down on my. I look away from him in embarrassment, but his hand stops me. He slides his thumb across my cheek as he guides my eyes back to his. "What made you so horny that you had to finger fuck yourself?"

"You." I whisper

"What about me, baby?" He asks as he leans down to kiss me

"Everything." I say

He smiles and takes my fingers in his mouth cleaning them of my cum. He takes me into a kiss which only elevates my mood. He nudges me up, and sits against the headboard behind me. He pulls me back into him, and wraps an arm around my waist. I take off my pants completely exposing myself to Percy. He removes my shirt and bra leaving me naked in his lap. His hands roam my body as he places sweet kisses on my jaw and neck. It's driving me crazy.

"Percy, please." I whimper

"What, baby?" He asks

"Please make me cum." I plead

"Your always so needy for me, hmm?" He says and I whimper under his touch. His hand travels down my body, and lands on my pussy. He slowly rubs my core coaxing a low moan from me. I squirm at his gentle touch causing his free hand to go around MY neck. "Relax, baby. Let me take care of you."
(Because y'all wanna keep pointing out my mistake. HERE. ITS FIXED. JESUS.)

I relax at his words. His hand stays around my neck as he picks up his pace. My breath hitches when he sinks one fo his fingers deep inside me. He slowly retracts his finger before adding another one. My pussy stretches around his fingers as he sets a neutral pace. I stifle down my moans as Percy starts to go faster.

"It's okay, baby. Let me hear you." He says against my neck "Let me hear how good I make you feel."

He uses his thumb to rub my clit and brings his free hand up to my breasts. The combination of him fingering me, rubbing my clit, kissing my neck, and squeezing my boobs is enough to throw me over the edge. I squeeze his fingers and moan out as my orgasm rakes through me, but he doesn't stop.

My moans get louder as he quickens his pace. His free hand travels up and he tightly grips my jaw. I take his pointer finger in my mouth and suck on it imagine it's his cock in my mouth. Another orgasm shoots through me, stronger than the last. His fingers are covered in my juices, but once again he doesn't stop. It grows to be too much, but he whispers in my ear.

"Your such a good girl, Annabeth. Just one more okay?" He says and I nod

He takes out his fingers and rubs my clit leaving me feeling empty. He gives me a little time to calm down, but I grow impatient.

"Put them back in." I moan

"Hmm?" He hums

"Put your fingers back in me, please. I need them." I plead

"So needy for me aren't you?" He coos as he puts his fingers back in

"Yes, percy. I need you. I love how your fingers feel inside me." I moan

His chuckles against my neck and starts his rough pace. Except this time, he curls his fingers in me. His fingers brush over my g-spot over and over causing me to start squirming again. His free hand wraps around my body keeping me in place as Percy works me faster. I let out a loud moan as I soar over the edge into my 3rd orgasm. Percy takes out his fingers and rubs my clit to help me ride it out.

"Good girl, Beth." He coos

He continues to rub me until I'm squirming from overstimulation. I watch as he brings his finger up to his mouth and licks them clean. That alone makes me want to go another round, but I know I wouldn't be able to handle it. All I really wanted was for him to bury his cock deep inside me and fuck me senseless, but next time I guess.

I flip over so our chests are pressed together and look up at him gratefully. He takes me into another kiss and I happily kiss him back. After the kiss, I slump down into him and melt into his warmth. He moves down so he's laying down with me on top of him, and I sigh in content.

"Your so beautiful, Beth." He whispers in my ear

I always get giddy when he whispers sweet nothing in my ear and this time was no different. I smile and bury my head in his neck. He tightens his grip on my body and we both slip into sleep. Not before I hear one more thing from him.

"I love you, wise girl."

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