Breaking news!

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Percy was just minding his business. Walking the streets of New York as he usually does when he heard a helicopter flying around. Helicopters don't usually fly over New York because anymore because the gods say it's too loud on Olympus. Obviously since they're gods the mortals follow his word.

He looks up and sees that the helicopter is a news helicopter. It also seems to be following closely behind him. He continues to mind his business nod goes about his day. He's walking back to his mom's apartment when sirens grow closer to him. He doesn't think anything of it until he hears something suspicious come from the speaker.

"Perseus Jackson! Put your hands up!" The chief officer says

Meanwhile at camp half-blood, the campers are watching The Office when the program stopped.

"We interrupt this program with breaking new! The federal fugitive and national terrorist known as Perseus Jackson has been spotted on the streets of New York for the first time in 6 years! The police are persuading him as we speak. Let's take a look at the scene." A news anchor says earning confused looks from most campers

A video of Percy standing in front of a few dozen police officers pops up on screen. He's being yelled at by an officer as he stands with his hands on his head, guns pointed at him.

"Perseus, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Sally Jackson and the murder of Gabe Ugliano. Along with the destruction of the St. Luis Arch. Do you have anything to say?" The officer asks

"First of all, I did not kidnap my mother nor did I blow up the St Luis arch. I was just there, okay. Second of all, technically Gabe isn't dead." Percy says and Annabeth facepalms

He campers watch as the officers yell at him about things when all of a sudden Percy sprints in the other direction. He mutters something to himself as he runs towards the Manhattan bridge. The police follow in their cars, but Percy 'miraculously' runs faster than the cars. He gets to the middle of the bridge before standing on the edge threateningly.

"I'll jump! If you don't let me go home I will jump off this bridge." Percy says threateningly

"Perseus, step away from the edge. You don't have to do this." The police chief says

"You're right, I don't. I just want to go home and take a nap after talking to those assholes." he points to the sky and thunder strikes. "They're dramatic, all of them. I can't deal with it, and I surely don't want to deal with you."

"He's a psycho." One of the officers say

"No I'm not! I would never let Dionysus get to me! What do you take me for? An idiot?" Percy says offended

"A terrorist." The chief says, "You blew up a national monument and kidnapped your own mother. You are a terrorist and a psychopath."

"I would just like to say that I don't not appreciate you throwing around these accusations. I've never kidnapped anyone, and the only thing I've ever blown up was a volcano. And that was an accident." Percy says

"That is not true." Annabeth says

"Perseus, come peacefully and maybe your sentence will be reduced." The chief says

"You see I would, but going to federal prison wasn't on my to-do list for today. With that being said, I have to go." Percy says before jumping off Manhattan bridge and landing in the river below. The police rush to the side only for Percy to be long gone.

Program switched back to 'The Office' but the campers were far too confused to continue watching. A few minutes later, they heard rumbling coming from the ocean and ran out to see what it was. All of a sudden, Percy erupted out of the water and landing gracefully on the sand. He brushes off his disheveled shirt before walking up to the campers.

"Percy, what were you thinking?" Annabeth asks

"Hey, I was just walking down the street when the SWAT team started coming after me. That ain't my fault." Percy says

"Sure, but did you have to go all Persassy on them? The gods are gonna get mad." She says

"The gods can kiss my ass. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take a nap." Percy replies

Percy walks to his cabin and does just as he says leaving the campers in utter confusion with what just happened.

Percy Jackson one-shots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now