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Today was the day everybody was excited for. After 10 years, Percy and Annabeth are returning to camp half-blood.

They left to live their lives shortly after the second giant war, and no one blamed them. They spent their time away from the gods to heal from all the trauma they caused them. Everyone was sad when they heard Percy and Annabeth were leaving, but understood nonetheless. No one was expecting much of a change, but they would quickly be proved wrong.

The demigods of camp half-blood didn't fail to notice a new kid walking around. Oddly enough, they seemed to know just about everything about camp even though no one has seen them before. The kid couldn't be older than 8 but walked with such confidence that even some of the older campers were nervous. The last person they've seen with that confidence was Percy.

In addition, the kid was smart. Thought up plans for stuff that the Athena cabin didn't even think about, or blueprints for stuff more complicated then the Hephaestus cabin has made in a while. This little girl was what people would call a genius. They haven't seen someone that smart since Annabeth.

Everything was going fine at camp when one day, some younger ares campers decided they had enough of the little girl. While she was sitting on the dock, they came up behind her and pushed her into the water. They were saying things that would make any other person mad, but the little girl didn't seem fazed. As the ares kids walked away, they failed to notice how the little girl was completely dry.

Later that same day, the same group of ares kids wanted to start a little trouble. The little girl was minding her own business at the campfire with Hestia when they came up behind her. She was startled by the sudden attack, but pulled out a dagger and fought back anyway. It was a little girl against 5 slightly older kids, and she won. Not without catching the attention of a certain son of Poseidon.

Surrounding campers were confused as Percy picked up the kid and brought her to his cabin. No one seemed to be able to connect the dots. The two were sitting in the Poseidon cabin unaware of the infamous set of brothers spying through their window.

"What happened?" Percy asks "We told you not to hurt anyone then you send 5 people to the infirmary."

"I'm sorry." The little girl mumbles with a sniffle "They were gonna push me into the fire."

"What?" Percy asks deathly calm

"I was talking to lady Hestia by the fire and they came up behind me and tried to push me in. I promise I didn't mean to hurt them, but I didn't want to get hurt." She says

"Listen to me. If those little bastards try to hurt you again, you beat the living shit out of them. Do you understand me?" Percy asks and she nods "Good. Here."

The Stolls watched in shock as Percy handed riptide to the little girl. He said something to quiet for them to hear, but they got the message loud and clear. And gods they couldn't wait to see the show go on.


Everyone was sitting at dinner a few days later just living life. Percy and Annabeth were talking, but Percy went quiet as he felt something appear in his pocket. He reached down and pulled riptide from his pocket. Annabeth looked confused but the look in Percy's eye said it all.

A few seconds go by and a little girl runs into the pavilion holding her bloodied hand. She had tears running down her face, and she all but ran to the Poseidon table. The pavilion watched in silence as Annabeth seethed and Percy comforted the hurting child. But they weren't expecting what she said.

"Daddy, it hurts." The little girl cries

"I know, baby. You'll be okay I promise." Percy replied as he lifted the child onto the table in front of him. He took her little hand in his and poured some water over the cut letting it heal up in seconds. The water travels to her scraped up knees and the little cut on her face before disappearing into her skin.

"Was it the ares kids again?" Percy asks although he knew the answer. The little girl nods

"I was with Juniper and Grover, but they had to leave to talk to the Cloven Council. I was walking back here when they attacked me." She says tearfully and Annabeth raged even more

She got up with a calm demeanor as Percy comforted their kid and went to the ares table. Clarisse, having known Annabeth the longest, knew exactly where this was going.

"You know, I was livid when I found out that some ares kids were bullying my daughter. It took all my willpower to not hunt those kids down and stab them in the face. But I'm telling you right now, if they lay another finger on my kid I will drag their asses down to Tartarus myself." Annabeth says with seething anger

Clarisse immediately told her that it wouldn't happen again, and said she would handle her siblings. Annabeth was grateful for that and smiled at her before walking back to her smiling husband and giggling daughter.

"You okay, sweetie?" She asks and the little girl nods happily

"Daddy helped me. I feel all better." She says making her smile

"Good." She says "Hey, baby."

"Yeah, mommy?" She asks

"Beat them up next time, yeah?" Annabeth asks

She nods and goes back to stealing all of her dads food. Despite Percy's 'annoyed' look, she kept eating his food. She giggled at him and he shook his head eating whatever his daughter didn't. The camp sat in stunned silence as they watched the 3 until the Stolls broke out into uncontrollable laughter. With a deathly glare from Percy, it was at that moment when everybody knew not to mess with their child.


Hey guys! This has nothing to do with anything, but I read a Harry Potter fic on here a while back and I want to read it again but I can't find it. The only thing I remember about it is it's harry switching sides and he leaves to see Voldy leaving a note that says
'Off to have tea with a dark lord. Be back later'
Or some shit. I NEED TO FIND IT. if you happen to know what I'm talking about please enlighten me of the name.

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