Can you watch my boyfriend for a second?

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Annabeth has been watching a lot of TikTok since she got one of Leo's monster proof phones. Something that always comes up on her 'for you' page is couple trends. Her favorite one being the 'watch my boyfriend' trend. She decided that she was going to make a TikTok account just for that video.

Her and Percy are sitting in her dorm when she pulls out her phone to start recording. She places it in front of Percy and says, "Can you watch my boyfriend for a second? Thanks."

Then she walks out. Percy looks at the phone confused for a second before nodding. He sighs and looks at the phone looking annoyed.

"I don't know what that's about, but I gotta tell y'all a story because oh did it piss me the fuck off." He says, "So I'm sitting in my marine biology class minding my own business when this bitch ass Roman nobody came up to me and started talk so much shit. He was all like 'you're just a stupid graecus what are you even doing here' and I just ignore him and mind own mother fucking business."

"This bitch was looking over my shoulder as I was writing my essay about sea turtles and just wouldn't shut the fuck up. Now I didn't want to blow up the classroom, so I didn't say anything but WHEN I TELL YOU! When I tell you I was so fucking close to beating a bitch up I fucking mean it." Percy says

"One thing these damn Roman's need to understand is IM NOT THE ONE. I'm standing on business in New York, and you got me fucked up if you think I'm not in San Francisco. Go fuck with anyone else just not me because I will beat a bitch up. To make it all better, one of my best friends is the Roman Praetor so I wouldn't even get in trouble. Seriously though, someone needs to teach the Roman's how to NIMD. THEIR OWN. MOTHER. FUCKING. BUSINESS." he says "Swear if this happens again someone's getting hurt and it's not gonna be me."

"Um anyway, I need Annabeth to come back right now." He says

A few seconds later, Annabeth comes back and Percy light up. She smiles at him and takes the phone. She posts the video after watching it back later and it goes viral. It got millions of views, and that marked the day the world fell in love with Percy Jackson. And no Roman demigod bothered him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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