Hiding in plain sight

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3rd person
All was good in Midtown high school this Monday morning. The students were buzzing with excitement as they discuss the recent news of the Ancient Greek god's existence. That, however, was not the topic for 1 specific friend group.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" A brunette guy yells across the hallway

Percy looks up startled and instinctively reaches for his pocket, but stops when he sees who called him. His eyes widened as he sees his angry friend group coming towards him.

"Peter. Ned. MJ. I missed you guys." He says

"Where the hell have you been? You kinda disappeared on us last year. We all thought you died." Peter, the brunette guy, says

"Yeah. Family things. I had to go back to Greece with my dad, but it's fine now." He says

"Greece?" Ned asks

"Yeah. My dad's side is Greek. Goes way back." Percy says "He's big in the whole Greek customs thing."

"Speaking of Greece. What do you think about the gods?" MJ asks

"I think they're a bunch of pussies." Percy says and thunder rumbles startling everyone "I mean think about it. They basically created humanity and they've been hiding for what... 2000 years? Seems like pussy behavior to me."

Percy shrugs and turns to grab his biology book from him locker. He had to pretend to not know things about the gods, per Zeus' order. You see, a demigod was sent to every middle and high school to search out any stray demigods. He just so happened to be sent back to Midtown. Yes, he did go to midtown for a little bit believe it or not.

Not that he necessarily disliked that fact, but he would rather be in a school where no one knows him, whereas here he was seen a loser among the popular students. He didn't care though as his job was to keep the mortals safe and not make friends. The gods actually requested they go in wearing Greek attire, like battle armor and all that, but Percy preferred to not do that. He wanted a stealth type mission. Hiding in plain sight, if you will.

The day was going on like normal until during their lunch a bright flash came from the door. Everyone looked to see a guy in a gold toga with winged sandals standing there. Many dropped into a bow as they recognized the god, but many more were confused as ever.

"Hello mortals! 'Tis I, Hermes the messenger of the gods!" He announces "I am here with an announcement, who would've guessed. Among you students stands a demigod here purely for your protection. He is the strongest there is, so be happy that he graced you with his presence. Anyway, I gotta go. Toodles!"

The zooms out the doors with lightning speed leaving the students in confusion. Who was this demigod? How are the students going to draw him out? How powerful could he really be if he's hiding?

Students have seen pictures on the internet about the other demigods and they are literally in battle armor, so this demigod being in normal clothes sketches some of them out. These other demigods are walking into school with bow and arrows, swords, and battle axes, but theirs is chilling among the crowd.

"Oh. My. God." Ned says "A demigod. Here?"

"It's so cool right! I just wish I could know who he was." Peter says "What do you guys think? Any predictions?"

"I don't know and I don't really care." Percy says as he continues to eat

"I missed this attitude. I was getting sick of pretending to care about their ranting." MJ says

"I bet it's one of the jocks. Probably a son of Zeus or something." Ned says

Percy just sat there letting them ponder while in reality this 'mysterious' demigod was sitting right in front of them. He just sat there and ate his lunch as the gut feeling that something bad is gonna happen grows in him. He'd better keep an eye out.


A week went by and the school still couldn't figure out who the half blood at Midtown was. Every time anyone would ask Percy he would just say something like 'I don't know' or 'probably one of the popular kids'. In reality, he just didn't want the popularity that would come with being a half blood.

Percy's gut feeling didn't ever go away, and he proved to be right when on one fateful day the gods showed up at the school. All 12 of the olympians perched up in the gym waiting for the school to settle. Gods knows what they were up to, but Percy wanted no part in it.

He was sitting in the bleachers when he started hearing something in the hallway. As his job was to protect the mortals, he slipped out of the gym to see a bronze bull making his way towards the gym. He sighed and took out riptide before attracting the bull. 2 students were being cornered by it, and he couldn't let them get hurt.

"Get to the gym." He says and the students run towards the gym

Percy approaches the bull thinking of how to 'kill' it. While he's done it before he doesn't exactly remember how. The bull sees him and immediately charges him. Percy doesn't see it coming and gets launched into the lockers creating a loud crashing sound. Someone ought to have heard that. Oh well.

Meanwhile, in the gym, the gods were explaining to the mortals the dangers of the immortal world. The students sat in complete silence staring socked at the gods as they explained. That is until they heard a crash the doors of the gym flew open. The students gasp as Percy gets launching into the gym. He's sliding on one knee and using his left hand to stop himself.

"Fucking shit! It's always the fucking bulls, man. First the Minotaur now this bitch. Gods." He says getting up from he's kneeling position

The students turn to see a giant bronze bull approaching looking mad. Percy approaches slowly while murmur in to himself. The bull tries charging again, but Percy catches its horn stopping it in its tracks. He pushed the bull back towards the doors, and it just got angrier. Percy slowly approached it before it opened its mouth. A machine started whirring inside the bull and it started heating up.

The students gasp as they notice it's about to spew fire, but before that happens Percy shoved a sword down its throat. The thing starts malfunctioning before exploding sending fire towards Percy. He blocked it with his arm causing it to burn, but he didn't look the least hit fazed.

"Gods fuck Hephaestus for creating that." He says before turning around and seeing the gods "Oh. The gods have graced us with their presence. Lucky me. Fuck you Hephaestus for creating that."

"I'll have you know, Perseus, that was a gift for King Aeetes. And he really liked them." He says

"That's good for him. I DONT!" He says before shaking his head

The students were shocked at the disrespect Percy was giving the gods, but none of them seemed fazed. It seemed as this was a normal occurrence.

"Introduce yourself, Perseus." Zeus says and Percy mocks him

"Hi. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and I your demigod protector. Even though I don't want to be here." He says with a glare to Zeus

"Get over yourself, punk." Ares says

"Do I need to beat your ass again? 'Cause I will." He says

"That sums up everything we have to say. Listen to Percy he's to protect you. Good bye." Zeus says and they all flash out

"Oh my gods their finally gone. Anyway. Everyone back to class! I have to go make sure there's no more bulls around here. Thanks." Percy says before ushering all the students out

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