Come on, Percy

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Percy's POV
Who does my life always end up like this? I was going about my business on a quest when all of a sudden I came across a fighting arena. Not like a boxing arena like an arena where fights between gods would take place. I'm walking around very confused because I was taken here by something I don't remember the name of, but there no one here.

All of a sudden, there are loud footsteps booming through the arena as someone approaches. I look towards the sound and see my brother. The one I fought in the labyrinth that one time. I definitely won by the way. He comes at me holding a giant club, because he's a giant or something, and looks at me menacingly. He approaches me slowly and I immediately reach for riptide. It's not there.

How in all of Gaea's green earth did I manage to lose riptide? I haven't taken it out in a few hours and it always comes back to me. I look up masking the fear in my eyes as he just smirks. I slowly back up as he continues to approach me. In the corner of my eye I see multiple iris messages appear showing the throne room, camp Jupiter, camp half blood, and the streets of Olympus.

"Perseus. It's been awhile." He says

"Sure has. Kinda hoping you would stay dead." I say "What do you want?"


Throne room
3rd person
Everyone was sitting in their thrones discussing Percy's quest when all of a sudden an iris message shows up. They are faced with Percy in an arena cautiously backing away from a giant. Antaeus. Poseidons eyes widen as he sees his sons getting ready to fight. Except Percy hasn't drawn a weapon.

"Everyone's gonna watch as I kill the savior of Olympus." Antaeus says and Percy reaches for his pocket only to withdraw his hand holding nothing, "Looking for something? Riptide was taken from you the second you walked in here."

"Technically I didn't walk in here, I was dragged in here so does your rule still apply." Percy asks

"I never understood what dad saw in you." Antaeus says

"A lot more than he sees in you." Percy replies and Antaeus charges

Percy's eyes widen as the giant comes barreling towards him and all the gods are out on edge. Antaeus swipes at Percy and he goes flying to the other end of the arena. He closes his eyes and tries to focus on something that everyone assumes is water.

Antaeus advances again and Percy looks up at him. He throws Percy to the middle of the arena where he tries to army crawl away only for Antaeus to pin him down. Percy's hands dig into the ground in a desperate search for water.

"You have nothing. Not your sword and not a drop of water. Your helpless Jackson, and no one is coming to your rescue." Antaeus says as he picks him up "Any last words."

"This is why your dads least favorite." Percy says through labored breaths and Poseidon nods in agreement

Antaeus throws Percy across the arena again and he hits the ground, unmoving. Percy stays still for a little bit too long and the gods all grow worried. Antaeus walks towards him with a sly smile on his face, but Percy still doesn't move.

"Come on, Percy. Get up." Poseidon whispers worriedly

Percy lifts his head just enough to get Antaeus in his view and he just stares. He watches as Antaeus walks towards him with malice in his eyes, but he doesn't try to move. All of a sudden, Antaeus stops. He stops dead in his tracks like he is unable to move. Percy sits up on his knees and digs his hands into the ground as he stares at him.

"I'm sorry Annabeth." Percy mutters and Antaeus groans in pain and looks to Percy with fear

"What are you doing to me?" He asks fearfully

"Did you really think I can't control water on a cellular level?" Percy asks

"Poseidon, what's he doing?" Zeus asks

Poseidon stays silent for a second before saying, "He's blood bending."

"And what is blood bending?" Apollo asks

"It's where you separate the water molecules from blood cells causing the victim to go into total organ failure." Poseidon says "I never thought he would be able to do it."

Antaeus starts grunting in pain and looks to Percy with a silent plea. When he doesn't stop he accepts the fact that he's going to die and asks the lingering question.

"If you knew you could do this why didn't you do it when you first saw me?" Antaeus asks

"I never wanted for it to come to this. Some things aren't meant to be controlled." He says fearfully "But you've left me no choice. I am so sorry for what I am doing. I don't want to."

Antaeus starts screaming in pain and Percy has a look of fear in his eyes. Like he doesn't want to believe he is doing this. Eventually his face goes blank of any emotion as he watches Antaeus die at his hands. After a few seconds he combusts into a cloud of golden dust.

Percy exhales and closes his eyes before bowing his head. He mutters something indistinctly as he moves to lay down. His breaths are labored and he grips a wound over his abdomen. Apollo and Poseidon flash out at the same time and show up at the arena to help him.

Poseidons's POV
Me and Apollo flash to the arena and automatically run to where percy is. Apollo starts to treat his wound, and I try to distract him. I try to talk to him, but he too disoriented and doesn't understand or talk back. I start to panic when he still doesn't talk back. His eyes get more dilated and the only thing I want is for him to talk to me.

"Percy come on. Talk to me, son." I say frantically

"I'm sorry." He says

"You have nothing to be sorry about." I say

"I didn't want to do it." He says fearfully "I don't want that power. I don't want to be able to do that."

"I know, Percy. I know." I say and his breath gets more labored "It's okay. We're gonna help you. You'll be okay."

Apollo turns to grab something and I move Percy into my lap. I hold him close to me as Apollo tries to patch up his wound, but fails. Percy's breathing becomes erratic I hold onto him tighter.

"You know for the record, Antaeus was always my least favorite." I say and Percy chuckles

"I knew it." He says "Thank for being here. I didn't want to die alone."

"Don't say that. Apollos gonna help you. Right apollo?" I ask and he stays silent "Right, Apollo."

"There's nothing I can do." He whispers "His weapon was enchanted and my powers can reverse it. I'm sorry."

"No. There has to be something you can do." I say gripping Percy tighter, but he shakes his head "Percy you are not dying right now."

A storm starts brewing above us and an earthquake shakes the ground, but I don't care. All I want is to save my son. I will not let my son die in my arms. Rain starts pouring down into the arena and all the water starts surrounding me and Percy. Earthquakes are shaking the world as I try to use water to save him.

"Tell Annabeth I love her. And that I'm sorry." Percy says and I shake my head

"No Percy you are not dying right now. How many times have you survived something worse than this?" I say with tears forming in my eyes "Come on, Percy. Stay alive. Please. I don't want to lose my son."

"I'm sorry it has to end this way." He whispers "I love you dad."

"No!" I say as a sob racks my body

An earthquake ripples through the earth capable of leveling it, but I don't care. The water around us swirls faster and the rain falls harder as Percy dies in my arms. My only mortal son is dead because I couldn't save him. And I'll have to live with that guilt for the rest of eternity.

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