I felt the fatal touch of a forbidden lover

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    "Shit." Casey mutter under her breath. They just finished their first night of The Trinity of Terror tour and tonight Ice Nine Kills closed the show. She had just been informed she has to bunk with the guys tonight in their bus. Just what she wanted, more time with Spencer. She was however excited to hang with Ricky. They were always great friends in high school, and now live together. Even he didn't understand the feud between Casey and Spencer.

   "There's my girl!" Casey heard behind her and was engulfed in a very tight hug and a big kiss on the cheek. She already knew who it was, Ricky. He grew up with Casey and Chris and had a strong brother and sister relationship. Her small 5 foot 6 frame was picked up before she could turn around and say hi to him.

   "Ricky, put me down!" She tried to exclaim through laughter. She turned around and fixed her brown hair out of her blue eyes.

  "Missed you dude. Also looks like I'm bunking with you guys tonight. Maybe the whole tour, we'll see depending on if they can find room for me on the other bus." As she spoke she could see Spencer's figure and his smug look, shooting him a look that could kill back at him. She said her goodbye and walked towards the exit sign to get back to the bus, passing Spencer. "See you soon, roomie." He giggled like a child. She ignored what he said and walked right past him.

   "Can I help you?" Casey almost yelling, turning her head to see Spencer jumping on the bunk next to her taking one of her AirPods out of her ears and into his.

   "Nope." He said jokingly. "Just wanted to bother you and catch up." Touching her arm, which made her wince a little bit, and Spencer noticed.

   "Spence. I'm really not in the mood. Today was a long day." She said not even looking at him, focusing on trying to get some rest.

   "Aw, come on, I know you missed me." He said sheepishly.

   "Go to bed, Charnas." She said as she took back her AirPod from his ear.

   "Fine, but this is my bunk!" He exclaimed pointing at the one that was across from her.

    All she could do was let out a sigh and a mutter under her breath as she rolled over and went to sleep.

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