Red Sky Warning

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Finally, we are at one of my favorite venues, Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado. One of the most beautiful venues I've ever seen. Spencer and I have been so awkward around each other the past two weeks, but we've been working together well when it's necessary. I think I'm just afraid we'll be play the same game again. Which I don't want to happen.

"You ready?" Chris Motionless asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. He leaned up against his bus where I was hiding out and smoking a cigarette. I don't even know why I'm smoking, I only do it when I'm absolutely stressed.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and immediately shook my head no and started walking with Chris towards all of the gear.

"Come on Case, you have been hiding out from you know who for two weeks now." He shot me glare.

"Hiding from who?" I played dumb, and that earned me another glare. I knew exactly who. "I'm not hiding Chris, just avoiding him when we're not working. Just like I told him day one."

He sighed. "Same damn thing Case. It's not that weird that he put a damn blanket over you while you fell asleep on the sofa. I think you may be overthinking this."

"I just don't know what his game is." I relayed.

"Maybe he doesn't have a game, maybe he was just being nice." I knew he was right I just didn't want him to be right. We did our secret handshake and parted ways on stage to start setting up.

I walked backstage to see all the guys in the green room and Spencer and I lock eyes for a moment. I snapped out of it and asked them how I could help. Joe and Ricky chimed in and gave me a few things to do. As I was walking away, I felt a little tug on my wrist. It was Spencer and he was real close to me. He whispered in my ear "A minute?" As much as I didn't want to, I nodded and followed him to a different room.

"You've been avoiding me." He said questionably.

"I know I have, I suppose I've been overthinking things a little bit and I'm just afraid we are going to go down the same rabbit hole we did back then and I just want to get this job done and go home, Spence. I love being on tour with everyone but this is a fucking lot." I managed to get out.

Right on cue, we were called back into the green room as doors were opening soon. As we did our before show ritual I could feel Spencer's eyes on me the whole time. The crowd was filling up and tonight, we were up first. It was showtime, well, for crew at least to make sure all props and equipment were ready to go.

While the guys were on stage, we kept busy making sure everything went smoothly. Then Black Veil Brides, and then Motionless in White. It was a hell of a show tonight, as always. It was Saturday night, which meant we have a free day tomorrow and on the road Monday. I went to bed right away, I wanted to call Gina and word vomit everything from this amazing tour, to dealing with Spencer. After talking to her, it was time to pass the fuck out.

"Hey." I heard a voice softly. I opened my eyes and realized I forgot to close my curtain before I fell asleep. It was Spencer. I turned over to face him. "Hey." I said yawning and stretching. "Can we hang out tomorrow?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah, we can." I whispered and I rolled back over. I was little hesitant, but it couldn't hurt. I could have sworn I heard him whisper something under his breath but I wasn't able to catch it as I drifted off to sleep.

"Casey. Case." I was gently shaken awake by Ricky. "Morning sleeping beauty. Here's a coffee." He said handing me a coffee and sitting at the end of my bunk.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Giving him a smile.

"The guys and I are going to go explore Colorado some more. Spencer mentioned something about you two hanging out? Are you going to be okay? I really need Spencer to be alive." He slightly laughed.

"Yeah, I will be fine. For our sake and this bus' sake, we should probably make sure we are on good terms." Still questioning in the back of my mind why exactly he wanted to hang out and what he had planned.

"Well, we're gonna head out. Do me a favor and shower, girl!" He teased. "And Charnas better be alive when we return!" I laughed to myself and I got ready to hop in the shower. I looked in the mirror. Oh my god, I look like a zombie. I quickly hopped in the shower, listening to my shower playlist, did my makeup and hair as usual and I was ready. Outfit today was an olive colored t-shirt and black shorts, my black tennis shoes, and of course my thigh chain. Keeping it simple because god knows what Charnas is about to get us into.

"You look nice." I heard Spencer walk up to the table as I finished up my coffee.

"Not so bad yourself, Spence." I gave him a cheeky smile. I'm trying so hard to ignore the awkwardness I've most likely created myself. "Where are we off to?"

"I figure we'd go explore downtown and then I want to show you something." I don't know what he wants to show me, but I just shrugged and let him lead the way.

We took the 20 minute drive into Denver and the car ride was fairly quiet, however that's because we were so into the music. "You hungry?" He asked. "Starving."

"There's this cute little place for lunch down the street, we can go there." I just nodded at him and enjoyed the last few minutes of silence.

He parked the car and literally ran around the car to open my door. I didn't read too much into it and thanked him. I feel like he is trying to make up for his mistakes, trying to be on good terms. We both made mistakes, but what hid did stung the most..

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