She's crazy, I must confess I'm so sick of cleaning up her mess

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  The weather is perfect here. As much as L.A. has scared me a little bit, I know I can get use to it. Ricky moved with us, which calmed my nervous a little more. We had just moved to L.A. last week and i were about two weeks away from Trinity Of Terror part 2. I am so excited to be on tour with my best friends and now my boyfriend, not someone I dreaded to be around anymore.

  Ricky is living with us for now, but is out looking for apartments today because let's just say, he wants to give us our space. Spencer decided we are going to the beach today for a picnic. We have been so busy, and worried about so many other things, we needed this.

  I was finishing getting ready when Spence walked in whistling and looked at me, not saying anything. I rolled my eyes and looked back into the mirror, trying to finish applying my mascara. Spencer appeared in the mirror behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his neck into my shoulder. "You don't even need to put that on, you're already so gorgeous." He whispered.
  I couldn't help to blush and turn to him. "Thank you." I kissed him and shooed him away to get his shoes on.

  The drive to the beach is so nice. Warm air, palm trees, the salty sea smell. I can't believe this is my life, I kept thinking while looking at Spencer driving. He looked so good with his backwards hat, shirt and swim shorts. He moved his non driving hand over to my thigh and I shivered slightly. Control yourself.

  We found a nice spot on the beach, away from most people and set up our towels and umbrella. Spencer started unpacking the cooler as I was not allowed to look until now. He had packed his own little meats and cheeses, fruit, and some wine. He always amazed me.

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  Taking my baby to the beach, I was so excited. I knew we needed this date. She really needed this, and I was determined to make this perfect. Only a couple more weeks until tour and I wanted to get Case comfortable in L.A. until we packed up again. After I unpacked the picnic, I could see her face light up and I loved that. She slipped her shirt off reveal her bikini. I never get tired of that.

  I slipped of my shirt and shoes, grabbed her lets and threw her over my shoulder.

  "Babe!" She screamed, but was also laughing so hard. When I got to waist level, I brought her down to my eye level and took a minute to look in her eyes.

  "You know I love you so much, right?" I asked, knowing the answer.

  "Of course, Spence." She replied in a tone wondering why I even bothered to ask her, and then kissed me. Making out with my girlfriend in the ocean was fun, and I never wanted to stop.

  I actually forgot about the food, so I grabbed Case's hand and we ran, laughing back to the food. We returned only to find out the food was raided by seagulls. So I opened the wine and poured us a glass in our plastic cups. Putting her hand in mine, I thought a nice sunset walk would be nice.

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  Spencer's beach date that he put together is so perfect. How is this man mine? I don't know what I did to deserve him every day. Sexy killer onstage and the sweetest man off the stage. I loved it. He poured wine in our cups and we started walking down the beach hand in hand.

   I got so lost looking for shells, I didn't realize Spencer was way up ahead, and he had company. He was speaking to a woman, and she looked a little handsy with him. At first I thought maybe he knew her and just ran into her and was saying hi in passing. When I got closer, I couldn't get a good angle, but I saw them kiss. As I got closer, I could see it was none other than Macie. Yes, that Macie. She quickly scoffed and threw Spencer's wine in his face as I got even closer.

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