I'm counting on beauty to kill off the beast

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Last day of tour. I can't believe it, but I'm ready. Forever grateful for my first big tour, however, very excited to go home. Gina has been watching my bearded dragon, Marsh, this whole tour and I'm excited to get him back, and of course see my best friend. All three bands put on an amazing show. We finished up and headed to the wrap up party.

The wrap up party was a great time. Good music, good food, good people. And I was in a good mood. I mingled with the guys in BVB for a little while, I feel like I have not spent enough time with anyone in the band, exception of Andy.

Spencer came over and tapped me on the shoulder, grabbed my arm and started pulling me away. "Excuse me boys, I'm being pulled away so rudely." As I shot Spencer one of my signature death glares.

"Come with us for part two of Trinity of Terror." He stated with a puppy dog face.

"You really had to interrupt me for that question? I don't know Spence." I contemplated in my head. It might be a good idea, and expand my career. I really did have a great time on this tour, and it wouldn't be for a couple of months. Some time away will be nice. Unfortunately I wouldn't be getting away too much. Living with Ricky, I see they guys all the time.

"Please." He pleaded.

"All right, fine." I finally decided. Kinda fun for him to beg. We talked more about the tour and what we were going to do during our break. Not speaking about our kiss, or anything along those lines. Before we parted ways to go off and say our goodbyes, he embraced me in the best hug I've ever had in my entire life. He pulled me into his chest rested his chin on my head. He smelt like teakwood, one of my favorite scents. I felt safe.

All four of the other INK guys looked at me and gave me a thumbs up behind Spencer's back. I flipped them off. He gave me a small kiss on the forehead and walked away.

I decided to sleep on the bus that night, like most of us did, as we may have partied a little too much. I woke up and collected my belongings, and headed home without waking anyone up.

I decided to stop at Gina's place on the way home to pick up Marsh. I usually don't even bother to text her, just show up. I even have a key. I got to her house and her car was in the driveway. Good she's home and I can fill her in. I went to the front door and turned the knob. Locked. I unlocked the door for her and no answer. "Gina?" I yelled. Nothing. I walked upstairs to her bedroom where Gina keeps Marsh, assuming she went for a run like she always does.

I opened the door and I was in shock. Blood everywhere. Splattered on the gray walls, the original wood floor, and the tv. Everywhere. Gina laid on her bed stone cold and bloody, slash marks everywhere, barely recognizable. I couldn't move or breathe. I whipped out my phone and called 911. "My friend-I think she's dead." Is all I remember saying to the operator. That sentence kept ringing in my ears over and over. The EMS and police responded quickly. In shock I sat in her blood at the end of her bed. I couldn't even recognize the sheets were originally mint colored. There was so much blood, not realizing I was now covered in it. They entered the room and I couldn't here them speak to me. My ears were ringing, about to pass out. Everything was going blurry, and before I knew it everything went black.

I opened my eyes to a white ceiling and fluorescent lights. I panicked. Remembering every little detail of what happened. Tears flooded my eyes. "Gina!" I whisper screamed. A hand met mine and I looked over to the side to see Ricky holding my hand. He had a sad smile and looked like he had been slightly crying. He caressed my face and gave me a kiss on my forehead and whispered "I'm so sorry honey. I can't even begin to imagine. You don't have to say anything. I love you and I'm here for you."

I started bawling and sent myself into a panic attack. My heart rate begin to skyrocket enough to set some alarms off. A nurse came in and tried to get me to take deep breaths and gave me some anxiety meds into my IV.

I cannot believe my best friend was murdered. I'm still in shock. I feel so numb. So dead inside.

Snapping out of my trance, I saw Spencer standing in the door frame, holding coffee for him and Ricky. "Thanks, man." Ricky said as Spencer handed him the cup. He quietly nodded back and sat on the other side of the bed. "Case, are you okay if I step out for a minute?" Ricky asked nervously. He didn't want to leave me, but he knew I was in good hands with Spencer.

"Spence.." I said groggy as hell. He immediately took my hand in his.

"Casey, you don't need to say anything at all. Only when you're ready, if you'll be ready. There is no rush, love. I'm here for you, the guys are here for you, Chris is on his way. We've got you."

"How is Joe?" Knowing I'm sure he is devastated after their little fling that never ended up working out. He just gave me a sad smile, as I gave one back he wiped the tears from my cheek. "I don't want to be alone tonight." I cried.

"Don't you worry. We are having a big old sleepover in your house tonight to help you out." He reassured me as he stood up and gave me a kiss on my hand. As devastated and numb as I was, I still got butterflies.

"Look who is here." Spencer pointed to the door and gave Chris a sad hug and nodded and he head out the door. I desperately wanted him to come back.

"Babe..." Chris started. I gave another sad smile and tears threatened to spill again. "Shhh. It's going to be okay." He said down and pet the top of my head.

"I just...I can't believe this...." I stuttered.

"I know honey, it's going to hurt for a while but you know you have our full support. I need you to do the hard part now and help these nice detectives and answer some questions. Can you do that right now?" He asked concerned. Despite not wanting to speak, I knew I had to help get justice for Gina. Chris gave me a hand squeeze and left me alone with the two detectives.

"Hi Casey. I am detective Mike Rodriguez and this is my partner detective Shane Burggs. We are very sorry for your loss and apologizes for us interrupting. We can't image and sorry you had to witness what you did. In order to figure out what happened to Gina, we need to ask you a few questions. Are you okay with that?" Detective Rodriguez asked carefully, making sure he was okay to proceed.

They asked me a lot about Gina's life, family, friends, family, ex-boyfriends, and including myself. Gina's family is estranged and the guys and I are her family now. I did tell them that I hadn't spoken to her in a few days, and she was watching my bearded lizard, Marsh, who was taken at the scene. As devastating as it was to have Marsh gone, I was focussed on my best friend. They could tell I was getting tired and told me that I could rest and they would be in touch. I thanked them and Ricky came back in the room.

"You ready to go? Nurse said you are ready to go, they just wanted to keep you in observation and make sure you were safe, since you know.." He trailed of.

"Sitting in her blood.." I whispered and stared off at the wall. He didn't say anything and helped me in the wheelchair to take me out to the car. When we got to the lobby I could see everyone there. No one said anything, just sad smiles, which I returned. Everyone showed up, and I knew I was safe.

The ride home was quiet, which let more thoughts swirl around my brain. We are her only family, which means I will have to plan the service, do so much. I could barely think about that right now. Too much devastation and disbelief still.

When we pulled in to the driveway, the guys got to work. Almost like they had this planned out how they were going to navigate this. Ricky and Chris were in the car with me, while Spencer, Joe and Patrick followed behind. Ricky and Chris went inside to prepare my bed, and had Spencer helped me get out of the car. Even though I could walk, I was too stunned and exhausted to. Spencer picked me up, effortlessly like he was picking a sleeping small child. I nuzzled my face into his chest trying to relax my tense body as he carried me up the stairs.

He laid me down on my bed put the covers over my body. I couldn't say anything, I couldn't react. I just stared at the ceiling. He gave me a hand squeeze and walked towards the door. He began to shut the door and I managed to croak out "Please don't go." before he completely shut the door. The door opened and he didn't say anything. He walked back in and shut the door. He took off his shoes and shirt and crawled into the bed next to me and held me tight as I wept. He could tell I was exhausted from crying. He played with my hair and kept reassuring me he was here. As I dozed off, I could hear him say. "Get some sleep, my love." and everything went dark.

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