Meeting the Little Girl

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Taylor's Pov:

It was about a couple weeks before I was to start my biggest World Tour and I was very excited about it. After having to Cancel the Lover Tour when Covid hit, I was eager to get back on the road, I had been going back and forth to the Gym and getting in shape for it .

The last few things we had to do with the Tour was almost finished the Stage Setup was complete and it looked so awesome! The Fans were going to love it! Now I was on the couch with a Notepad trying to come up with a Set List for the show. Since some of my Albums didn't get to be performed live yet, like Lover, Evermore, Folklore, this year's Tour was going to be very long, about 3 hours and 30 minutes long.

While doing the Set List, I enjoyed some Red Wine and began trying to decide what Songs should be featured. I ended up doing them in different Eras Sections. Like for instance for Reputation Era, I had written what songs I wanted to include in that. Ready For It, Look What You Made Me Do, and Don't Blame Me.

I was about halfway through my Set List being made when I heard a Doorbell ring. Odd, it was close to being Dark time, and I wasn't expecting anyone til tomorrow. Mom, Dad, and Austin were coming over for a Barbecue Cookout and it was just going to be just us Swifts having quality Family time.

Getting up, I set my Wine Glass down on an End Table next too the couch. Meredith, Olivia, and Benji looked up curious and wanted to know who is here. I thought maybe it was my Security Team checking up on me like they usually did with crazy unstable Stalkers that tried to tresspass here, you can't never be too carefull.

Except when I opened the door, I didn't see my Security Team on  my Doorstep. It was a little Kid who looked like she was lost and afraid and she looked like she had been injured and had cuts and Bruises on her.

It made my heart ache seeing her like this but I knew I had to be brave for the little Girl. So I knelt to where I was the same level as the little Girl "Are you lost and injured? Where are your Parent's?What's your name?"I asked.

The little Girl at first was too scared to speak she was trying to decide if she should trust me. "My Adoptive Parents were Abusive towards me, they died in a Car Crash and somehow I survived. I have injuries but I don't think they are real bad, my name is Emma Thomas".

I listened to everything that she told me the poor Girl must be Traumatized she was shivering and shaking on my Doorstep and she must have ran for awhile.

"I was running for awhile, I tried seeking help from other People but most People slammed the door on my face. I'm Cold, hungry and need a Bath and a warm place to stay, I don't ask for much".

My Heart broke for the little Girl how could others be so cruel and not help her?She needed someone to look after her. I helped her inside of my Home "It's a good thing you came to me I won't let you live outside and be Homeless it's too dangerous for little Kids to be alone".

I led her inside of my Home where I made Dinner that was Kid Friendly I made Lasagna and Garlic Bread then afterwards I checked out her Injuries they weren't serious enough to take her to the Hospital I helped give her a Bath and afterwards applied some medicine from the First Aid Kit to help her injuries heal up.

By 8:00 she was fast asleep so I took her to a room next to mine so she could get sleep after that I finished up my Setlist and poured another Glass of Wine. I wondered since her Adoptive Parents were Killed in a Car Crash, if there was a way I could Adopt her?I didn't trust them putting her in an Orphanage Home when I was looking to Adopt a Kid. It was like Fate Intervened and braught her to my Doorstep.

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