Back On Tour

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Taylor's Pov:

Halloween ended all too quickly and so did October. We celebrated the Re-Release of 1989 Taylor's Version and my Eras Movie Film. Now we were doing Rehearsals for the Second Leg of the Eras Tour.

As we went over Choreography moves I kept wondering how I was going to introduce my Daughter Emma to my Fans. I had thought about doing a Cute post of her online doing something. But Mom and Dad suggested why don't't I introduce her to everyone onstage and then do a Post that goes Viral on all my Socials and I thought that was a great idea.

Emma still didn't have a Clue just how Famous her Adoptive Mother is but going on Tour with me she is about to find out and I hoped that she could handle it. Because Traveling with me wasn't always going to be easy. There Crazy Fans and Paparazzi that followed me everywhere and I always had to put up with that because that was a part of Fame but I wouldn't have it any other way because my True Fans are Sweet and always there for me.

While I'm onstage, Emma is going to be staying in the same VIP Tent with my Parents and Tree. So when I'm ready for Emma to come up onstage we had rehearse about how to get her on it and back off of it. I wanted to make sure that she didn't get lost in the Crowd and that some People weren't mean to her. I dressed her in a Cute Eras Outfit that she picked out. It was a Pink Dress Lover Themed that was Custom made for her and it had Sparkles on it. Emma had a matching Pink Bow in her wavy Blonde hair I had done her hair this morning.

I texted Travis about where I was going to be when the Second Leg of The Eras Tour started. During my Two months Break I had started Dating a NFL Chiefs Football Player and how we met was really something. It had all started when I found out by going online and discovered that he had made a Eras Friendship Bracelet with his number on it and had complained that he was unable to give it to me at the Concert because Guards wouldn't let him come see me. Learning of his intentions online, I had found out his number from a Friend of his and when Travis answered the phone I apologized to him about not being able to see me that if he could agree to have Dinner with me I could give him free Concert Tickets along with a Backstage Pass.And ever since then, we have been dating and it's taking a Serious turn but I trusted the Man with my life.

But now I had to tell him that I had another important little person in my life and I wanted to introduce him to her before he found out about it onstage.I smiled when he texted me saying he is on his way to the Stadium and would meet up backstage with me. Hanging up the Phone, I grabbed Emma's hand and went to go find my Parents and Tree I explained to Emma that we are heading to the Stadium now and she gets to meet Travis my Boyfriend.

It didn't take us very long to get there since we were already in Buenos Argentina we just had to drive to the Stadium where I was having the Concert.As he said he was, Travis greeted us as we entered backstage and greeted me with a Kiss and hug. Right then after I returned the Kiss and hug, I introduced him to my Adopted Daughter Emma Swift. I told him briefly how I adopted her and Travis knelt so he was Eye level with her and interacted with her.

Emma was shy around Travis at first but the more he interacted with her the more comfortable she got with him. I am thankful that Travis loved Kids and didn't mind me having her because being a Mother is the most important thing to me. I felt at ease knowing Emma would stay with the right People.

Just then Tree and Mom came backstage and then it was soon time for me to get ready for the show. I told Emma that she would stay with her Grandparents, Travis and Tree in the VIP Tent while I did my show and then when I got ready to bring her onstage with me that she would know what to do because Her Grandparents would help her.

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