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Taylor's Pov:

The meeting with my Parents and Austin my Brother went really good. I was worried that Emma might not warm up to them right away after what all she has been through.

But seeing my Parents made her forget temporary about what had happened to her and she warmed up to them really easilly especially when they surprised her with the Rockin Horse and the Child Size Pink Guitar with Gemstones on it her face lit up with excitement.

"Mommy! Can you teach me how to play the Guitar? Me don't know how to yet but I wanna learn!" she said with so much excitement.

I had to laugh at how cute she is she reminded me of a little version of me because I to had learned at a very young age. "Of course sweetie, we can start Guitar Lessons tomorrow but tonight we are enjoying Grandma, and Grandpa's visit and Uncle Austin!

I couldn't wait to teach Emma how to play the Guitar I have always wanted a Daughter so I could teach her how to be Super talented like me so someday she could be a Popstar to.

Dinner with my Family went smoothly last Night. I might not be in a relationship now but that was okay, I had my Family to keep me occupied and I had recently Adopted a Four year old little Girl. Raiseing her wouldn't be easy at times but I was willing to take full responsibility of her.

After Dinner, My Parents sticked around some more and Emma about wore Dad and Austin down playing Video games Austin had introduced  her to it and I gave him a look and said "Find something thats for a 4 year old". she played with Austin then wanted Dad to give her a Piggyback ride inside the Mansion.

I thought she was going to be too rough on my Dad but he laughed and said he was having a blast with her. After they're visit it was time for Emma to take a Bath and get ready for Bed.

Getting her into Bed wasn't the hard part. She wanted me to read her a Story and I did. When we went Shopping, I had baught some Kids Books that I thought she would like. Books that were for her age. I let her pick one  and she chose one about Clifford The Red Dog.

I read her the story about Clifford until she went to sleep before the Book was finished. Once I finished, I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead "Goodnight Princess see you in the Morning".

I stood up pulling the blanket over her and left a Night Light on and towards the Livingroom. I watched Tv for awhile with Olivia, Meredith and Benji and soon was getting ready to go to Bed myself when suddenly I heard her start screaming and crying and hurried back into her Bedroom and turned on the Light.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask rushing to her Bed and sitting beside her. I wondered what could possibly be making her so upset.

Emma had tears coming down her face and she was trying to form words " I dreamed that I was back in that Car the Night it wrecked with me and them in it. Everything came rushing back the way they would treat me and Physically would hit me".

"Oh no Sweetie come here next to Mommy. It was just a Nightmare everyone has those sometimes. Your not with them anymore and you won't go back to them. They're Dead and can't hurt you anymore. How bout I sing to you? Mom did that for me when I was about your age and it would calm me down everytime".

Emma nodded "Please sing to me Mommy". tucking her in once more while cuddling her in my arms I begin to sing one of my Sings that I haven't done live for awhile:

"I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone, gone

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound".

Before the song was over with I looked down and Emma had fallen back to sleep. The Song worked every time when calming a Kid down I had even did the same thing for Blake Lively's and Ryan Reynold's Kids. Deciding to go back to my room slowly trying to not wake her.

Innocent (Taylor Swift Adoption Story Prt 1)Where stories live. Discover now