Family Is Everything

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Taylor's Pov:

The Day had the Zoo had went perfect for me, Emma and Travis. We could be as normal of a Family as we can be and not a whole lot of people bothered us. We saw some Fans  they were there to look at Animals to and were very surprised to see us there enjoying the Animals to. I posed for pictures with the Fans with Animals in the Background. 

By the time we got back Home later that Evening, I was trying to figure out what to make us for Dinner that would also be Kid Friendly. Then I thought Emma would probably love my Home Made Chicken And Dumplings Recipe. I loved to make it every now and then and it's a Dish that is similar to Cracker Barrels. I began to Cook the Chicken first by Baking it.

I love trying to have a Semi Normal life whenever I'm not on Tour. It's what helps to keep me grounded I love spending time with Family and Friends because they make me who I am today and without them sometimes I wonder how would I stay so grounded and Mom always reminds me that no matter what I will have true Fans that will always support me.

Once the Chicken is Done, I poured the Ingredients in the Crockpot and put in the Canned Biscuits to make the Dumplings with. I set the timer on the Crockpot and waited for it to get done it should be done about Thirty Five Minutes. While waiting on the Food to get done I scrolled through Social Media. Big mistake bothering to go online trying to do some Taylurking when I saw that Fans were alerting me to what Joe was doing to me online he was Bashing me to anyone who would listen and that got me mad.

He should have known that when you break up with me, I'm not going to be silent about it. Writing about Breakups is what I do for my Career as a Singer it's how I cope for everything I go through. Even Joe himself knew this it's nothing new to him but he's acting like he didn't know I was going to write a full Album about him. I decided to stay off of Social Media awhile disgusted about everything Joe is saying to me. Soon the Chicken and Dumplings is finished and they turned out perfect.

We gathered around the Table in the Dining Room and Travis kept complimenting me on how delicious the Chicken and Dumplings are and I smiled not really in the mood for small talk. I just sat there and ate my Chicken and Dumplings and just listened to Travis talk and getting lost in my own thoughts. And poked at my Food. Travis noticed that I was upset about something because I didn't finish the rest that was at the bottom of my Bowl.

"What's the matter Babe? You seem like you got a lot on your mind. Your not very talkative tonight like you usually are". Travis said looking at me very concerned and why wouldn't he not be considering I was in a very good mood earlier.I dropped the Spoon in my Bowl and looked up at Travis suddenly getting very upset. "Joe is Bashing me online and saying all kinds of mean things about me to everyone". I started to cry.

Travis then reached over to hug me trying to give me comfort "Oh no Babe, that's not a good thing. You might wanna take a step back from Social Media for awhile and you might wanna block his Account and what he posts. Taking a Break from Social Media will do you some good and you can only just use it to announce Album Releases . How bout temporary let Tree use your Account to update everyone? She can try to control some of that noise on there brought on by Joe".

Travis had a point I can do this take a break from Social Media for a few months and avoid the News. Tree has handled my Social Media Accounts before a lot of times while I'm onstage and she often helps me to promote new Albums and posts up new Eras Tour Photos. She's been there when I had took a break from Social Media before and handled everything.

"Your right, I do need to go contact Tree and see if she can handle this mess somehow. But I'll do that once Emma gets fed". "Already Fed her Babe, right before I started eating just go ahead and go talk to Tree I'm sure you'll feel better once you do". I felt blessed having Travis in my life and Emma back in my life they are my everything. Smiling at them I got up to go call Tree.

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