First Thanksgiving

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Taylor's Pov:
Week of Thanksgiving in Nashville, Tennessee

Taylor's Pov:

After the first leg of the Tour had come to a close, I had two more months off until about February. All the Proper and Legal Paperwork had gone through and a DNA Test was giving to Emma to find out if she was really mine and Joe's Kid from four years ago. Turns out that she is my real Biological Kid and she had been alive this whole time. I went back to the Courthouse and went over things with the Judge and they said that Joe wouldn't ever be allowed to see or go near her because I filed a Restraining Order against him to stay far away from us. And the Court reassured me that Joe would be locked away for a long time.

But somehow that didn't reassure me that things would be alright. I was still scared that Joe would find a way to break out of Prison at some point during our lives just to put us through more Torment. Travis saw how worried I was about keeping Emma and me both safe and he said he would do everything to make sure we stayed safe and so would my Parents. Travis said that he knew how to handle Men like Joe. They think they are so tough and big and bad until they cross paths with him then they wind up regretting it. Not only was Travis good on the Football Field, he was also good at putting up a good Fight.

But I wasn't going to waste my Thanksgiving with my Sweet Girl worrying about things that Joe might try to do in the near Future. We drove up to my Parent's Home in Nashville, Tennessee and decided we would stay there until   after New Year's. My Cats were with me in they're Crates. And we were in one of Travis's Vehicles a Dark Blue SUV with Tinted Windows the Vehicle could sit a whole Family in it. It had two back seats in the Back. And a Trunk where we kept our Suitcases.

When we pulled up, My Mom was waiting at the Door with a big Smile on her face she was looking forward to seeing her Grandchild and she was very pleased to see that Travis had came along with us this time. To Mom we looked  a really happy Family. Travis put the SUV in park and then we both got out of the Car. I went to where Emma was seated in her Car Seat and helped her to get out of it and carried her in my arms.We soon got up to the Door and Mom opened it up greeting us with a big hug.

"I'm so glad to see all three of you!So glad that you three made here safely! And you must be so grateful to have two more Months off again Taylor you do appear exhausted".Andrea says looking concerned about her Daughter. Doing a big Tour like the Eras Tour seemed to be taking it's toll on her Daughter but Taylor is happy the way things are going.

"I am sure that I'm still Jet Lagged from being back so it's going to take a few days to get into normal routine again". She reassures her Mom that she's fine. Taylor tried to not let her Mother worry too much about things especially about her she didn't want to put more stress on her Mom especially with her being in Remission right now and on her way to fully getting better.

Travis came in shortly after bringing in Taylor's Cat's crates and brought them to Taylor's old Bedroom where they would be staying during they're visit.Andrea grabbed Emma into her arms giving her kisses and hugs and brought her into the Kitchen showing her what Christmas Cookies she was making for Everyone. Taylor's Parents had been thrilled to find out that Emma is actually Taylor's Biological Birth Daughter and both loved to spoil her.

It was good to be in her Parents Home. Austin wasn't there yet, but her Mother said he should be arriving anytime and is on his way. I helped Travis take the Cats Crates to my Bedroom and we would let them out in the House once Austin had arrived. The Cats were House Trained and would stay right where I'm at no matter where we were. And they got along just fine with my Mom's Dog Kitty.

After the Luggage was brought in from the SUV, and into my Bedroom, we both went into the living room and just relaxed on the couch. It felt so good being back at my Parent's Home I was excited about Travis meeting and getting to know my Family better. He hadn't met Austin yet, just only Dad and Mom.

It was so cute watching Mom Intereact with Emma in the Kitchen. She had let her have two Cookies that had just come out of the oven and they were Gingerbread Cookies. They both looked so adorable that I had got out my phone and took a pic of them together. It was definitely going on my Instagram.

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