Start Of Vacation

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Taylor's Pov:

We arrived At our Hotel Resort that is about Five Miles of Walt Disney World Resort that's below just 20 miles of Orlando. Instead of saying Disney World, Emma enjoyed saying Disneyland so we of course copied her thinking her way of saying it is much cuter. The plan is to stay a week here and then another two Weeks in the Bahamas. We of course am taking my Private Plane.

Emma enjoys Flying with us she insists on sitting next to a Window Seat so that she can look at the Earth and Clouds outside of it. She's a lot braver at Flying at her age than some Kids her Age who hadn't Flown much.
Which  that would mean she wouldn't be too much trouble
To take with me on the rest of my Eras Tour. The Second Leg would be starting on May the 9th and that is why we suddenly decided to use our Vacation Time together because things were about to get very Hectic for me.

Mom, Dad and Travis reassured me that Emma would be safe during my Show she was told to sit with them at all times and to not go anywhere alone without Grandma, Grandpa or Travis. Emma maybe only Four but she understood what I wanted her to do. Which meant she needed to stay put and stay with Mom, Dad and Travis and where the Guards Dave and Ben would be standing near them.

I didn't have to worry about Emma misbehaving she is a very well behaved Child and rarely gets into any kind of trouble and if she does it's not her fault. I'm more concerned about Joe busting out of Prison to try to do something drastic like trying to kidnap her from a Stadium.It worried me when I can't constantly watch her so I made sure that Tree made sure there was plenty of Security around her and the rest of my Family no matter where we would go.

My Security Team also came with me on Vacation. While I might be temporary off Tour for the time being, I still wanted Emma and Travis to feel safe when they are with me.Even while we are out having fun.They are good about giving us our Distance but making sure we know that we aren't alone or by ourselves.

We checked into our Hotel and are surprised at how Big and Luxurious it is and even has a big Pool and a Lazy River inside. We found out that a Big Buffet Breakfast is served around 8-11 am in the Cafeteria Area and Dinner is served around 6-9 Pm. Also Buffet Style. At least we didn't have to go to a Fast Food Restaurant every Night because we had everything we need here.

We decided to go to our Room and relax some. I went through some Brochures on the Eating Table close to the Window and saw that there was plenty of things to do very close to our Hotel. There was some Tourist Shops that we could go check out for a couple Hours before Dinner and I showed Travis the Brochure. He agreed that we can go check out some Tourist Shops because they could sell Awesome Disney Merchandise there.

We wounded up checking out about three different Stores but they all had about the same stuff. I got Emma some new Toys that she found that she liked it was a Stuffed Unicorn and a Stuffed Mermaid and a Coloring Book Set for Kids. For me and Travis we Baught T-Shirts that said We Love Disney World and the picture of the Disney Castle is on it.

In the next Store, I found some Antiques that I really liked. There was a Little Mermaid Lamp with the Mermaid on it and a Lamp Shade on Top. I also found and old Vintage Disney Set of Antique Dinner Plate Sets that had Little Mermaid on them to. I love Antiques they were living proof that our History still exists in the World and the Items tell a Story all of their own.

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