Opening Up Gifts

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Taylor's Pov:

Emma woke up bright and early Christmas Morning. She came in my Bedroom that me and Travis were sharing and she jumped on it bouncing up and down excitedly. I started regretting giving her so much sugar last Night.She had Christmas Cookies and Moms famous Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows.

"It's Christmas Mommy!And Travis! Come downstairs there's lots of Gifts for everyone!" She kept on bouncing on the Bed and got in between us. She was starting to wake up Travis to who just groaned. He was really enjoying some time off and it gave him the opportunity to sleep.

Of Course The Chiefs was doing a Game today but the Coach insisted he take some time off since he worked so hard this Season. Travis didn't know what to think with the sudden paid time off. "Ok Kiddo we are up!" He then tickled Emma who swelled with laughter it was so cute seeing him Intereact with Emma.

I took out my Phone and took a picture of this moment to share with my Friends on my Socials.And they all had loved Travis tickling Emma. We got up and went downstairs in our PJs, the Fireplace was going with a warm Fire and there were Presents all around the Tree.

Emma found Christmas fascinating. I could tell she wasn't used to having a Christmas like this because what I read about her former Foster Family didn't have enough money to Celebrate Christmas they were always busy getting High on Drugs and Alcohol.

Taylor and her Parents wanted to give her a Christmas to Remember this year and for years to come. Taylor is so glad to find out that Emma is her real Daughter and that meant that no one was allowed to take her away from her and that meant Joe Alwyn. Joe her Ex is unstable and in Prison he wouldn't be suitable to even be a Parent.

Travis however is perfect for helping her raise Emma. She could tell by the way he interacts with her and how he interests with Kids at the Chiefs Game. He always gets on they're level and he is just wonderful with Emma and even plays with her when he gets a chance.

Emma walked over towards the Tree looking up at it with excitement. I remember being her age and doing the same thing on Christmas morning and would sit in front of it looking at Twinkling lights and she was doing the same thing Emma then sat down to keep staring at the lights.

Grinning I took a brief Video of her doing that then gave the phone to Travis so he could film us opening up gifts. I gave Emma Hers first. She got some cute Outfits and Dresses, I even gave her some Mermaid Dolls since she loved Disney Characters.She even got Frozen Dolls of each Character.

I then showed her there was another gift next to the Tree and she opened that up. Her eyes went wide as she saw that she had gotten a Frozen Doll House for Christmas that way her Dolls could have a home they belonged in. "Thank you Santa!!!" She says in an excited voice.

Just then my Parents, Austin and his Girlfriend Joined us still trying to wake up. They watched us opening Gifts and sat on the couch. Once Emma had opened her gifts and showed them to me Travis filmed our Intereactions. Then I noticed there was Gifts for me.

There was some from Travis, Mom and Dad, and from Austin and his Girlfriend. Travis handed me his Gifts smiling hoping he would like what he got me. The first Present was a Box that had something in it. I opened it up inside he had gotten me some Chiefs special Merchandise that I can wear at a upcoming game.

My face lit up with excitement! I had my eyes on this awhile back while just scrolling online one Night but didn't really buy it at the time but I did put it on my List there of things I would like to have he must have went online and saw that.

Inside the Box was a Chiefs Jacket sorta like a Coat with they're Logo and my name Tay Tay was on it it was white and Red. Also in there was a Skirt with the Chiefs Colors on it that I could wear with any Top. "I love it Travis! I'm definitely wearing this to the Games!" I reached over and gave him a Kiss.

The other Gifts he gave me were surprises to as well. I got a Beautiful Diamond Teardrop Choker, with matching earrings and then there was a Small Box I looked at it wondering what it could be. My Family Members saw this as well and they looked on clearly wanting to know what it was.

Oh my God could Travis be ready to Propose to me? We have been Dating for Five Months and have been really serious with each other. I always knew someday he would pop the question but was now the perfect time?Taking a deep breath I opened the small Velvety box. Inside laid the most Gorgeous Pear Shaped Blue Zircon white Gold Ring and the stone was real big he must had paid a fortune for this Engagement ring I kept starring I couldn't believe what I was holding.

Before I knew it, Travis is on his knee looking up at me with love in his eyes. It's obvious he had been planning this for months. "I know I probably should have talked to you about becoming Engaged but I wanted it to be a surprise. Taylor Allison Swift, I have been in love with you ever since we first met. We have had some Wonderful Memories together, and we have had our share of ups and downs. I haven't ever been this Serious with anyone else only you this whole time. I can see spending the rest of my life with you and helping you raise Emma. I've been treating Emma as if she was my own Daughter. I can be the Dad that she deserves and the Husband you deserve it you would just say yes. Taylor Allison Swift, will you do the honor of becoming my Wife?"

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