New Year's Eve

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Taylor's Pov:

The Party at Travis's House is in full Swing all of our close Friends and Family have been invited to Celebrate New Years. There was Food everywhere in the Kitchen and everyone was having a good time. Everyone that's close to us is very happy about our Engagement and wanted to do everything they could to help us on our Big Wedding Day.

It had been a few Days since I had done the Post about us getting Engaged and in those few Days the Engagement News Spread everywhere Everyone knew we were Engaged including Joe had found out from his Friends.Joe wasn't too happy to hear about it. He just assumed that Travis was using me for my Fame and I couldn't believe a word Joe says because he's unstable.

So I ignored his comments and blocked him on all my Socials. I was completely done with Joe and my main focus is on Travis and my little Girl Emma. I was going to do everything I could to protect her and keep her away from Joe. Travis would be the perfect Dad to Emma and I wanted her to get to know him better.

Travis is really good being around Emma he looks out for her and even gets down on her level to play with her. He even said that even though she's not his by Blood, he wants to still raise her as his own and help me with her. He would always spoil her with a Toy that he would get whenever he happened to go by a Target or a Walmart after a Game. And there were Days that he would buy her Stuff just because he loved her.

I was wondering how was me and Travis going to get Married and I go back on Tour as soon as February 7th gets here and I would be Busy all year right up until December sometime. Travis tried to ease my worries saying that we could get Married during my Two Month Break or we could simply wait til the Tour was over to get Married.

I liked the sound of that. We could stay Engaged awhile and not rush into anything. The Fans and everyone we knew were happy and excited for us. I couldn't believe that I was finally going to get to be very happy and get to be Married to the Man of my Dreams. I used to think I couldn't have it all, a Successful Singing Career, Marriage or even Kids and now the Future is looking brighter for all three of us and I definitely wanted more Kids.

Hearing my Ring Tone coming from my Phone I briefly checked my messages. I was invited to perform for the Super Bowl after Usher's performance. Unfortunately the timing was bad with my Schedule and I would only have barely enough time to attend in person. You would have to prepare in Advance for performing for the SuperBowl.

I sent a response to those who wanted me to perform this year on the SuperBowl "Wished I could but I'm going to have to fly back to Tokyo Japan right after I leave the SuperBowl so I can only attend the Game. " I then sent the Text Message it's not that I didn't want to Perform there if I had two days off in a row it would be plenty of time to plan a Performance.

Travis saw who I had been texting to and gave me a hug "As much as we would all love for you to perform for the SuperBowl, we understand you'll be busy with heading back to the Eras Tour. I'm just grateful to have you just attending the SuperBowl. It'll happen for you one day opening up for it". He gave me a hug being supportive about everything.

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