Little Miss Sunshine

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Taylor's Pov:

Emma had such a blast at my Show tonight. After the show ended, I met up with my Family and we left the Stadium to go to a Hotel. After Showering, I could finally relax and enjoy the Evening with Family and Travis. I loved how him and Emma had interacted together all Night. Emma didn't trust everyone, and to see her warm up to my Parents and to Travis made me so happy.

It helped me to know that while I was onstage, my little Girl was being looked after.And she trusted my Family and Travis and me more than she did with anyone else. She was even getting used to my Band Members who had also been my family for 17 years that we have been on the road. Some Members hadn't been there nearly as long but they were still considered Family.

It occured to me that I needed to order Emma's Christmas Christmas Presents. While I had some ideas of what she liked I still wanted to get her input on what she wanted for Christmas "Hey Emma, you want to write Santa a letter to tell him what you want for Christmas? We can mail it to the North Pole and he'll get it before Christmas I can even help you write the letter it doesn't have to be perfect".

It had occured to me that Emma probably had never written a letter to Santa in her life so I was more than willing to help her. I got out some Stationary, and a Pencil and handed it over to her. While Emma might not know a lot of Vocabulary to write with yet this was still God practice to get her started.

"Okay first you will need to write Dear Santa at the Top of the letter so you'll know who your writing to." Emma nodded and she followed my instructions and wrote Dear Santa in big letters.She then looked at me confused as to what to write next.

"Tell him what you would like to get for a Gift at Christmas it can be as many Gifts as you want".Emma thought some and began writing again in big letters. Instead of it being in the form of a Letter, she made a list of what she wanted.

AG Dolls (American Girl Dolls)
Doll clothes
Stuffed Toys
Crayon Set
Coloring Books
Frozen Toys

Emma soon stopped making a list she got so frustrated because she couldn't think of anything else. "That's okay you can't think of anything else Mommy can decide what else to get you that you might like based on your list. "I took a look at the list and knew what Stores I can probably order them from or I can go get them in person.

What was going to be a challenge to do was getting the letter mailed off to Santa without being seen by Emma. I suppose I could get Travis to do it but then I didn't really need to do it because both me and Travis is both going to be Santa this year for her and my Grandparents to. But I could pretend to go to the Mailbox for Emma just to see the excited look on her Face to see that her letter got put in.Then Id take it out when she was down for a nap and keep it in my Purse.

Soon it was bath me and then Bedtime for her. Emma was loving bath time in my House and I always let her have bubbles.Soon she was in bed and just as I read to her she fell asleep looking peaceful. I brushed away the strand of blonde hair and gave her a kiss on her forehead "Goodnight sweet Girl, Momma loves you".leaving her Nightlight on I stepped out of her room leaving the door open a crack just in case she had a Nightmare.

It was a good thing the Hotel had a big enough Suite for us so that Emma could have her own room just like she did at home. It was close to me and Travis's room and I could check up on her whenever I wanted. I was just scrolling Social Media when something caught my eye it was about what I had announced at the Show tonight.

There was a lot of comments more than usual but that was expected tonight. But what shocked me the most was when I saw that Joe had posted how can he post on my Acc when I clearly had unfollowed him back in 2021?We had been done ever since then.

JoeAlwyn69: So you have a new Man, and you have Adopted a Kid? Who's Kid is it by the way? Is she from someone else that's in your past? Because she looks a lot like you when you were that age." That message had me completely floored I had never thought about how much Emma looked like me.

There's no way that Emma could be mine. My Emma had supposedly died when she was born that's what the Drs had told me I even remember holding her still tiny Body in my arms crying that I had lost her. But if Emma was somehow my Emma that meant her Father was Joe and there wasn't anyway he wasn't going to get to see her. Joe is a Narcissist and Psychotic Man.

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