Swift Halloween Party

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Taylor's Pov:

A lot of People showed up at my House for my big Annual Halloween Bash. Most of my Celebrity Friends showed up. Even my Best Friend from Childhood Abigail showed up to.Everyone is in they're Costumes and looking awesome as they started dancing to Halloween music.

My Friend's Adored Emma even my Band Members thought that she is adorable and interacted with her especially my four Backup Singer's and my Dancers.

I was in the Kitchen with Mom and Dad putting out Party Food and Drinks, Cups, and Plates. The last time I had a Party like this was a couple years ago when everyone could get together. We served mostly Finger Foods and Halloween Desserts.

Emma had went Trick or Treating earlier while it was still daylight out. We went to Neighborhoods that we trusted my Mom and Dad's and then Mine. The Girl had so much much Candy she needed two Halloween Buckets to keep it in. Austin kept trying to take some of Emma's Candy and I simply glared at him with a look that said do not touch her Candy or you will not have any Party Food at all!

By 8 everyone had showed up and the Party is in full swing. Dancing to the Halloween Music is so much fun and everyone's costumes looked so good we decided to have a Halloween Costume Contest.Everyone wrote they're names and what they were for Halloween. We were trying to come up with an idea for a fun Prize when Dad said why not give away Cute Stuffed Halloween Animals with Candy and I agreed that was perfect.

The Halloween Party turned out to be a blast. Tree my Publicist wounded up showing up to with another Friend of hers and everyone was here. We passed around Food that went really quickly. We had Trick Or Treaters that showed up through the Night some turned out to be Fans of mine I invited them inside the Party to have Selfies with me and to get some Treats in the Kitchen where a bunch of Halloween Cupcakes and Cookies were made.

The Halloween Party didn't end until later that Evening. Emma wounded up falling asleep around 9:00 she had tried to stay awake throughout the whole Party. Mom scooped her Grandkids up and took her upstairs to her Bedroom. Both her and Dad put her in Bed for the Night.

I spent most of the Evening catching up with Friends, my Band Members, and Dancers at the Party. I tried to have get togethers as often as possible so that everyone can up with each other whenever my Busy Schedule would allow it. I liked seeing everyone together and having a great time I had the best group of Friends anyone could ask for.

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