Day At The Zoo

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Taylor's Pov:

It was officially January. I had two more Months before I was to go back on Tour and Travis had asked if I could sell the Tribeca Apartment and move in with him permanently. Truth is I am going to miss that place but here lately I hadn't been going to it and had rented it out to Sophie Turner a Friend who is going through a nasty Divorce. And we had been practically living in Travis's Mansion every Free moment we had.

So it would make sense to pack up our things and Move In at Travis's place we were living here anyway I just didn't have all my stuff here.It didn't take long to do that my Security and Travis had my stuff and Emma's things brought to his Mansion. It would take awhile to unpack but since I didn't have to Tour again until February we had all the time we need to unpack.

We were having Breakfast that Morning I didn't have anything planned through Thursday or Friday so I suggested that we take a Trip to a nearby Zoo. Emma loved Animals and so did me and Travis and this is what we loved to do. After we would go to the Zoo we would have a Picnic at a local Park and luckily Missouri had Parks a few of them close to us in fact. I made sure that we took everything we needed and Travis drove us to the Zoo.

We got there earlier enough to where it wasn't that Crowded it was perfect to go to the Zoo and walk around and see different types of Animals. Emma laughed in delight seeing the different Animals she liked and asked if she could pet some of them. "I think the only ones that we are allowed to pet are the Koala Bears and the Kangaroos. But we will see about letting you pet them okay?" I said to her. Emma seemed fine with that Answer.

So we spent the Day petting Koala Bears and Kangaroos and taking Pictures with them. Emma wanted to go see the Panda Bears because she found them so cute so we took her to go see them. We didn't let her go in where the Panda Bears was at but we took Pictures in front of the Fence thing where they were being kept and that made Emma excited. One picture was of the three of us in it, the next was just of me Emma with me holding her in my Arms. What was even more adorable was the photo of Emma Taken with Travis they looked more like Father and Daughter in this one both were talking about how much they love Pandas. While posing for the picture, Travis had Emma sitting on top of his shoulders so she can see the Pandas better and he had a grip on her shoes to keep her from falling.

Watching the two of them intereact made me feel warm and happy in my heart. I wanted to be with someone who could see themselves as Emma's Dad Travis being a Dad to her is the most important thing that Emma could look forward to. She was too scared to be around Joe because Joe had turned out to be Unstable and Psychotic. Joe wouldn't be able to help me look after her because all he cared about was himself and thinking about ways to harm me. Travis treated Emma as if she was his own Daughter and had said that when we get Married she would be officially his Daughter and if Joe tried anything, he could press Charges and I would to.

Joe could have had his part in shareing Custody of Emma had he not been acting Psychotic and been a Sane Person. But I am the one that won Full Custody of Emma and as long as I'm alive I will make sure that nothing happens to Emma she wouldn't be allowed to see her Unstable Dad who is currently spending time behind Bars. And both me and Travis made sure more Security is Hired to protect us when we are on Tour or when we are just at Home or going somewhere.

After having a Day out at the Zoo, we decided to have and early Dinner at a Park nearby. We had stopped at a local Food Truck that served a Variety of Freshly made Foods that you could have in a Sandwich and they had a Variety Tacos Menu. It was a perfect Day to just enjoy our ourselves and I had brought Food for Emma to eat. I had made Peanut and Jelly Sandwich for her and included a Snack with that some Chocolate Pudding for her. Emma is somewhat picky about Foods than we are and can only have certain Foods and have it it bite size or mashed up.

After our fun filled Day had come to an end, we went ahead and went Home and Travis drove us to there. I still had Greg the SUV Driver take me to the Studio and other Places when I needed to go, but for the most part now Travis drove us around to where we needed to be and my Two Security Guards always remained close behind us because with my Stalkers on High Alert and could be anywhere, my Security wasn't willing to put us at risk or let us be anywhere by ourselves.

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