Phone Call With Tree

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Taylor's Pov:

After Dinner was over with and Dishes was put in the Dish Washer to get clean, Taylor went to go make a Phone Call with Tree. They both got to talking about what Joe was doing online and Tree told her that she could do Damage Control where she could get something done about Joe's Mean comments online.

The one thing Tree could do is talk to the Owner of Instagram and Facebook and have something done to Joe's Accounts to where he couldn't post anything for awhile like a Ban from the Social Media Platform. Social Media wasn't supposed to be a Bullying Platform but Joe was using his Social Platforms to do just that.

Not only that, he had gotten some Celebrities on the hate Train even some Celebrities that I never thought would turn on me did turn on me because of all Joe's lies. Karlie Kloss, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and the list just goes on and on. All these Women I have supported their Careers and their Music and then they turn on me just because of what all Joe had said.

Tree had told me to take a Break from Social Media she told me that she was going to go on my Account and do a Massive Unfollow Spree that way it would take any Drama or Conflict off of my Accounts. Tree is a very smart Woman she knows how to handle stressful situations and do Damage Control when situations threaten to destroy me or my Career. She's one of the reasons why I have kept her on as Publicist since 2014.

"Thank you Tree this should make me feel a lot better. You can continue posting about my Album for me on my Socials while I'm taking a much needed break from the Internet".Tree promised that she will keep Fans updated and the Phone call ended putting me more at ease. Don't get me wrong I was still pissed at Joe for doing this he was just only trying to get attention and to get people to feel sorry for him.

As for those Celebrities who have turned against me, I wasn't no longer going to support them at Award Shows or no longer listen to their Music. I don't support anyone who winds up turning on me. A similar thing happened with Kanye West except that he humiliated me during an Awards Acceptance Speech then later on after I thought we had reconsiled, both him and Kim started spreading lies about me that wasnt true.

The odd thing about the Entertainment Business, is you start to find out who the Fake Ex Friends are and who are your real Friends. The real Friends will stand by you no matter what. I was still Friends with a lot of fellow Celebrities the ones who hadn't turned on me. Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce, Katie Perry,  Shawn Mendes, Camilla Cabello, and my Best Friend Selena Gomez. And I had my Friends that are Actors and Actresses and Models.

Then my mind went back to thinking about the Fans. They were going to miss me being on Social Media but I wasn't planning on being gone forever, just a few months until all the Noise had calmed down. Tree would keep them updated as much as possiblewhen I would release something so I wasn't worried about anything. The Fans would understand why I was taking a Break from the Internet.

Coming back to the Living Room I joined Travis on the Couch. For the time being I was just going to focus on my my Family and spending time with Friends to. I might even do more Songwriting and I most definitely was going back in the Recording Studio. Life was going to keep going on for me even if I wasn't online every single day.

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