She's All mine

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Taylor's Pov:

It had taken awhile for all the Paperwork to go through. By the end of October Emma was all mine legally and her last name had been changed to Swift. We had also had her middle name changed to Andrea and had her named after my Mom her full name now is Emma Andrea Swift. Emma chose to keep her first name because she still liked it regardless of what had happened to her.

We were getting ready to celebrate Halloween. I usually throw really awesome Halloween Parties and Austin was carving a Pumpkin while Emma watched in awe."Draw a Scary Witch!" She says giving him an idea of what to draw. We didn't let her carve any Pumpkins because #he couldn't touch Knives just yet due to her being so little.

Instead, we got her a Coloring Book and let her color Halloween pictures instead and I told her if she did her best at coloring that, they would be put on the Fridge on Display. I told Emma Artwork was very important in my House. She was really good at coloring for her age.

In November I would soon go back on Tour to do the second leg of the Eras Tour and planned on taking Emma with me and she was excited about it since she loved my Music she would dance and sing to it around the House which I didn't mind it was so cute to see I even recorded Tik Tok Videos of her Dancing and Singing on my Tik Tok to share to my followers and Fans and captioned "Dancer and Superstar in Training". The Video had gotten lots of likes and comments everyone thought she was cute.

Emma had adjusted to living with me and I was surprised at how well she adjusted. She still had Nightmares but they weren't everyday and she had her good Days. What cheered her up the most was when I had my Family over and my closest Friends.She adored Selena,Blakely, and Gigi and Sabrina.Blakely's Kids got along with Emma so much that we Scheduled regular play Dates with them.

Emma had picked out her Eras. tour Outfits that she wanted to wear for my Second Leg. I let her pick out a bunch of different designs the little Girl had great taste in Costume Designing "I want them to be like your Dresses but shorter so that I can move around and Dance to to Music just like you Mommy".

"Alrighty then, Mommy will order what you want it's going to be so cute seeing you all Dressed up.Would you like any Hair bows for Accessories or Butterfly's?" Emma nodded "That would be great! And Mommy can we down our own Eras Bracelets?" She then added "I want the Fans to really like me and Trade with me".

This would be Emma's first time meeting with the Fans. I had planned on introducing her to everyone of the Fans in the Stadium while onstage with her. Emma was very shy and didn't know how to approach them. "Don't worry Sweetie I am sure they are going to love you,I am planning on introducing you to everyone so you'll have to go onstage with me ok?" Emma nodded that seemed to satisfy her and she went back to her Coloring and bugging Austin.

I just hoped that Emma didn't get too overwhelmed at the Eras Tour. While I am onstage she could be in the VIP Tent with Mom and Dad and there would be times when Austin would be there to help tend to her as well.

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