Getting Emma Therapy

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Taylor's Pov:

The rest of the Evening, Emma slept peacefully that of course happened with me singing one of my Songs to her.

We got up that Morning and I fixed Breakfast for all of us. Mom and Dad had came back over this Morning to spend more time with they're Grand Daughter they would watch her while I went to the Recording Studio to work on one of the Albums I'm recording.

"Should I get a Therapist for Emma?She is still having Nightmares about what she went through with her Birth Parents, I don't know if I should have her see one while she's still 4 or what".I told my Mom while she helped me clean the Kitchen.

"Well, it's entirely up to you Taylor. If you feel she needs Therapy, it wouldn't hurt to enroll her into seeing a Child Therapist.They can try talking to her about her deepest Fears and who knows it can help unlock what all had happened to her".

I nodded in agreement with Mom. When I was younger a Teenager at the time, I went to go see a Therapist myself to get through Teenage Drama years. And needed one when I went through rough Breakups involving Boyfriends and needed one when my Fake Friends turned on me.

"Then thats what I will do look up a Child Therapist closeby and try to see if they can come here to talk with her I don't think she will be comfortable going to some Office somewhere that she's not familliar with.And I want to be here with her in case she needs full support".

Andrea smiled at her Daughter becoming a Mother " I don't blame you for wanting to have the Therapist Sessions here however if they come here they will have to sign an NDA."

I nodded understanding that anyone that spends time here has to sign one it's a protocol from my Team that everyone has to respect my private living space and has to sign it promiseing to respect the Property and not Steal anything. But in the past someone always abused the NDA by breaking the rules.

It made me nervous inviting anyone on my Property. The last Secret Session had been a complete Disaster we had found out some things were stolen in the House mostly Bathroom items like Soap, perfumes and some of my Makeup went missing.

After that we decided to host Listening Partys at another Location where it would hold more People and my House and Property would remain private.

Looking through a Phone Book, I found a local Children's Therapist. After speaking with Amelia Hart, I had finally scheduled an Appointment for For Thursday afternoon around 2:00.

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