New Year's Day

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Taylor's Pov:

Last Night had been so wonderful. They had celebrated New Year's Eve with they're Friends and Family Members and everyone had a wonderful time. Selena was still trying to get used to being Supportive of me being with Travis but she still had her doubts about him. Even though he went out of his way in  being nice to her and wanted to get to know her better.

I don't know what is up with Selena but she told me when we were alone that she's convinced that Travis will wind up breaking my Heart. She says she didn't know how but she knew Him breaking my Heart was destined to happen she didn't see how he was even serious about the Relationship since he was a famous Football Star.

It hurt me that Selena had doubts about our Relationship. Had we have our share of challenges as a Couple? Yes we have but what Couple doesn't go through challenging times? Even though we had one Fight when the Chiefs lost to the Raiders that didn't spell Doom for us. Most of the time me and Travis got along and we were very compatible. But Selena still wasn't convinced that Travis was as Serious about the relationship like I was.

Selena's behavior that Night somewhat Disturbed me she said she hoped that she was wrong about Travis and that she hoped I would always be happy with him. But with all that she read about him Online and from other Sources things wasn't looking good for Travis or me. His Exes was starting to spread Rumors about us like Wildfire and People were starting to believe them. Selena had told me she had a feeling Travis was using me to get good Publicity. And she feared I was moving too fast from Joe.

At first I was speechless and didn't know what to say. Then I spoke to Selena and remained calm "Maybe your just overreacting about things Sel. You just need to get to know him better the way I do and start off by being Friends. Spend some time getting to know each other it wouldn't hurt. He has gone out of his way of being nice to you tonight. Selena sighed she supposed that Taylor had to be right she could give this Man a chance to get to know her.

Taylor saw that Selena was rethinking about getting to know the real Travis. She hoped she would get through to her because the last thing that she wanted was there to be Tension or a Rift between her Boyfriend and her Best Friend. She wanted them both to get along and learn to have fun together because Taylor could see having a Future with Travis being his Wife and haveing more Kids with him. Taylor knew that he could be a good Father to Emma because he loved to spoil her already.

My thoughts returned back to reality as I was getting ready to fix Dinner that Night. Travis was in the living room currently play with Emma and her Toys. I couldn't help but grin as he got on her level and played with her. Selena had to be wrong about him. No ones ever perfect but I don't think that Travis would ever Cheat on me. I chose to fix Steak Fajitas that Evening and a Salad with it. It was a quick Dinner that didn't take long at all to fix. I warmed up the Tortillas in the Microwave.It made me smile hearing they're laughter in the Living room.

It was easy to pass Judgement on someone when you didn't know a whole Story about them or didn't know them as a Person and I knew that Selena didn't know him very well so I thought about talking to Travis about Hosting our own Barbecue we could invite Britney and Patrick and Selena and her Boyfriend that way they could have the opportunity to get to know one another.

At the Dinner Table I braught up that we should Host our own Barbecue and invite Friends and Family. Travis is totally up for the idea because he said he can show off his Mad Cooking Skills and that he says he would love to get to know my Friends more. I felt like I could relax more it was a good thing that Travis is a very Sociable Man he made Friends really easily and that's one of the things I loved about him he's not Anti Social and Psychotic like Joe.

Soon we got to eating the Food I had to feed Emma by cutting up her Food really really small so she wouldn't choke on it. Emma really love my Cooking and so did Travis. I'm so glad that I have a Family of my own to Cook For because they really enjoyed Family Meal Time. After Dinner Travis and I let our Friends know of an upcoming Barbecue that's happening very soon.

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