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Bright white light flooded my vision. I hesitantly opened my eyes to reveal a field. What am I doing here?

A light breeze blew through the air. I could smell roses and lilacs. A perfect weeping willow stood about fifteen yards away from me. Two figures were sat underneath the long, sagging limbs.

I started to walk towards them and felt that I wasn't wearing shoes. What is this place? The next thing I noticed was that I was wearing a white sundress and my hair was back to its original blonde state. Okay, I'm definitely dreaming now.

I started to run towards the people, realizing that all the pain from Zane's abuse had subsided. Something just felt off about this place.

As I slowed, I closely looked at the people who hadn't noticed I was running towards them.

They, as a couple, we're beautiful. The woman had unruly, wavy dirty blonde hair with nicely tanned skin and noticeably blue eyes. The man had dark brown hair, light green eyes and deeply carved dimples in his cheeks as he smiled lovingly towards the woman.

"Uh, hello?" I called out to them. They both looked at me and smiled. The woman got up on her feet and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Jade Waverly," she greeted me using my middle name.

I pushed out of her hug and scrunched my face in confusion. "Who are you?" I asked looking between the perfect pair. Then it hit me. I've never actually seen them or particularly remembered them but I've seen pictures of them. My parents.

"Mom?" I whispered as tears began to gather. She smiled brightly and motioned for the tall man to come over.

"Hi, Jadey," my father greeted me.

Overwhelming happiness flowed through my body. My parents were standing here. Right in front of me.

But, wait... "Am I dead?" I asked.

"No, sweetie," my mother gently answered. "This is kind of like a limbo."

"W-What does that mean?" I asked them.

My mom like worriedly towards my dad. He stepped forward and started explaining.

"Limbo means that you're torn between the world of the living and the world of the dead."

"So I could die!?" I yelled.

"Only if you choose."

My stomach tied up. Honestly, I didn't want to go back. Everything with Zane and Liv and- and Reid. Oh my god, but I can't leave Reid.

"When do I decide?" I asked.

"Take your time but the doctors could only keep you on life support for only so long," my mother said in a gentle tone.

She hugged me once more. Tears finally fell once I realized these were my parents. I would never be able to talk to them again if I left here and went back.

My arms securely wrapped around her as I sobbed into her shoulder. "I don't wanna leave you guys!" My father then joined the hug. My heart swelled with happiness.

"But he's waiting for you," my mom whispered.

I pulled away and looked at her. "What?" I asked in awe.

"Spencer is waiting for you. He loves you so much, dear."

"What do you mean?"

Then my father pointed behind me. A door was there. I looked towards them and they motioned for me to go to wherever it will lead me. I placed my hand on the knob and turned it. Some force pushed me through and I was back in reality. Only I wasn't.

My body lay limp in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around my left wrist. The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only thing making a noise. Then I saw him. He looked absolutely broken. Tears stains were on his cheeks as he stared blankly at my motionless figure.

"Please don't die, Jade." Spencer quietly begged.

"Spence?" I talked. Nothing. He couldn't hear me.

Once again brightness filled my vision and the field reappeared. My mom and dad stood in the same place they were.

"Go to him, baby," my mom said. I looked to my dad and he smiled and nodded. "We love you so much," my mom spoke. And with that, they were gone.

Suddenly, the beautiful scene around me started to fade. Pain erupted in my wrist as I was brought back into reality. And then nothing. Black was all I saw.

"Jade?" Spencer's all too familiar voice questioned.

My eyelids fluttered open. Spence sat where I had seen him only seconds ago.

"Spencer..." My voice was hoarse and quiet.

"I'm so sorry," he started to cry.

"Wh-?" I was about to question but then I remembered my wrist. "No!" I yelled out. He jumped back and looked at me. "I didn't do this! I swear! Zane did it!" I yelled. Well, I tried to yell. My voice was scratchy and scarce.

Reid's eyes went wide. Shock was all over his face. Then anger showed. He aggressively grabbed his jacket. "I'll be back," he nearly growled. And with that, he was gone.

Dangerous Love (Criminal Minds ~ Reid fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now